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List of Regional archtypes of Faerûn
Here is a list of the various regions on the Eastern half of Faerûn and the cultures they most resemble on earth. Having thought out alot of these things years ago, it is a great way to borrow from our world and it's history to bring depth and enjoyment into the role playing world.
There are plenty of other areas I haven't worked out anything for, but here is my feelings on the following areas....
European Regions:
Damara - Medieval Scotland
Sembia - Medieval Colonial French
Cormyr - Late Medieval England
Impiltur - Medieval European again. (Remember that the people of Cormyr came from here)
The Moonsea - Medieval Northern European
The Dragon Coast - Somewhat homogenous European type free cities.
Other Cultural Regions:
Mulhorond - Ancient Egypt
Unther - Ancient Mesopotamia
Chessenta - Ancient Rome (But way less unified, pre-republican but just as war-like).
Rasheman - Steppe-land / Plains barbarian type area (Native American)
Thesk - Middle Eastern style area (Like Turkey)
Thay - Ancient Egyptian/Stygian type area. Descendants of Mulhorond.
Aglorond - It is saddled right up against the ancient old empires and descendants of Mulhorond, but I see this small nation as a mixture of European types and some of the other nations of the south and the Vilhon Reach. A real nice mixture of race types.
The Great Glacier - Inuit/ Barbarian
The Ride - Steppeland Horse Barbarians - Descendants of Ancient Eltarr
Don will be developing the Vilhon Reach area, but here are my comments on those areas.
Chondath - They are the progenitor culture of Sembia.
Turmish - They are mahogany skinned people, so that opens up some cultural options - East Indian maybe?
Sespech - Shrug.
This article may be updated as further areas of the Forgotten Realms are explored in our campaign or upon further contemplation by your DM's - Doug, Don and Jim.
-DM Doug - Nov 5 - 14
DM Doug - Apr 16 - 2016
DM Doug - Apr 21 - 2016
DM Doug - Jan 21 - 15
Original: Steve Buckley - May 28 - 07
DM Doug - Dec 23 - 2015
Original adventure - 1989
DM Doug - Jan 02 - 15
DM Doug - Nov 5 - 14