DM Doug - Jan 02 - 2015
Here we are in a new year! I am a little late posting to the site but am throwing up a holly jolly message hoping that everyone had a fantastic Christmas and here's looking forward to an awesome new Year!
As for gaming business for the New Year: We have some returning players - Nikki is back playing on Monday Nights which is fantabulous. There is even a rumor that Neal will be coming back to join us in this new year for some D&D goodness. As for what is on the agenda, read on after the jump...
The New Year starts out with us finishing up the last of the epic tales of Chaos and Destruction. Once "Midnight in the Garden of Chaos" wraps up, we will be onto the next in Don's series of adventures which I will be DMing called "Fog of War". This will be for Drake, Killian and all of their usual friends. After that we will turn to the Daggerford Dozen to the climatic and final (?) adventure in the series. (There may be another in the series for a mystery team as yet undecided by Don).
While these adventures are going on you will be experiencing the tumultuous events that are currently battering the whole of the Forgotten Realms. Throughout all of this I will be throwing out tid-bits and foreshadowing here and there about my massive series of world shattering adventures that have been gnawing at my brain these past 20 years or so, which will follow closely on the heels of Don’s modules. Keep checking the adventures section of this website for updates.
That being said… Just because we have put a lot of thought into the overall direction of the campaign on a grand scale does not mean that you guys can’t chime in and put your two cents in. These are the stories we want to tell, but maybe you have some great story ideas or are even just dying to use certain characters. Throw it out there and maybe a one-off adventure story can be crafted or perhaps Jim is interested in DMing some modules or has a story just dying to get out. It’s all good. The main idea is to have a great role-playing experience.
You’re hearing the word ‘Story’ bantered around a lot in this post. Well, it’s for good reason. Don and I have talked long on the topic of crafting interesting stories to create depth not only in the campaign setting but in people’s characters as well. If we are going to put the work into DMing, then it will be a story that WE want to tell. Something that we would be proud to tell to you as players and enjoy having your characters go through.
You may have noticed that for the most part – we are picking the characters you are using and the adventuring groups that come together for these stories. This allows us to personalize the stories better and manipulate things more easily to tell a grand story. You won’t see too many ‘random group throw-togethers’ anymore, unless to do so furthers that particular story arc. And of course anyone else who is DMing is free to have a much more loose approach. This is just something that we are trying out (For better or for worse – the players will ultimately be the judges. If this aint workin’, let us know sooner rather than later).
Let’s all have a blast this year exploring the world of the Forgotten Realms together. Use the website as our community gathering place for news and updates and as a hopefully useful tool for your roleplaying experience. Speak up and be heard – All opinions are welcome and you should feel that you have ownership in the direction that your gaming experience takes in our little Monday Nights group. Any DM will tell you – they do it for the players – so let us know if we’re on the mark.
Happy New Year my good friends!
-DM Doug – Jan 02 - 15
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DM Doug - Apr 16 - 2016
DM Doug - Apr 21 - 2016
DM Doug - Jan 21 - 15
Original: Steve Buckley - May 28 - 07
DM Doug - Dec 23 - 2015
Original adventure - 1989
DM Doug - Jan 02 - 15
DM Doug - Nov 5 - 14