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#16 - Sep 12 - 2016

Days 23:  The swooping Wyvern was quickly brought down by the heroes, but our invisible assailant chose the distraction of that moment to try an attack on Zath, invisibly swinging boards at his head. The entity was scared off as arrows flew in it's direction. Investigating the area later, Davion found a booted track on the ground nearby that must have been the assailant's. Speculation was made that it could be one of the sisters who were thrown out of the camp days ago. 


DAY 24 - 26: The caravan continued it's long trek north with little of interest and no further attacks. The cultists have continuing to lay low.


DAY 27: In the early morning the caravan was beset by three Trolls. The caravan had been forced to camp in a thickly forested area, and the outer patrol (Mia and Jarek) noticed the trolls nearby. Word was sent back to the camp for them to be wary and alert. Most of the rest of the team came forward to the scout's position. The Trolls were made aware of the approaching PC's and as the trolls reacted, arrows flew in their direction and they backed off - shrugging off the arrows.


The patrol group of PCs watched and listened carefully for the movement of the trolls, who appeared to be trying the flank them. The PCs set out a defensive net between the trolls and the camp. Soon the trolls began charging in - the PCs engaged them but kept their distance, trying to keep ahead of the trolls as all rushed to stop them from attacking the caravan. The trolls have just begun attacking one of the lead wagons, and that is where we left off.



-Best Man Dougie


#15 - Aug 22 - 2016


Days 20:  In the middle of the night as Jarek was taking a piss off the road into some bushes, something leapt out from the darkness to crash into him. Whatever it was seemed to be pummeling with invisible fists. Jarek backtracked from the bushes calling the alert. The rest of the party responded quickly, but the invisible entity decided to play a game of Cat and Mouse. Mara called for a doubling of the guard patrols and it was suggested that everyone stay in groups or at the very least in pairs. The rest of the night Saw 3 guardsmen killed before it stopped attacking. It knocked Mia out and dragged her out of the camp – luckily she was retrieved and healed by Davion.


DAY 21: The wagons were pulled in tight together as they travelled and the PC’s widened their patrolling during the day to cover as much of the vulnerable caravan as possible. This seemed to help as the only incident to happen was the very rear wagon was set afire and its Rock Gnome passenger (Radecere Perethun) was tragically killed. The caravan ploughed on till night and set camp once again, under the same security rules.


DAY 22: This was another Rest Day and the caravan tended to the needs of the host and rested their animals as usual. This day was uneventful, but the group was on edge.




#14 - Aug 15 - 2016


DAY 4: We met two sister by the side of the road around lunch time and they decided they would join the caravan north for protection. That night strange noises peaked imaginations and Zath's Imp reported that he could see a ghost digging at the ground. Investigating the exact spot, the heroes decided to grab shovels and dig there. Eventually a skeleton was found as was a magic Ring of Warmth.


DAY 5  The next night we were approached by two ghostly figures intent on revenge for the robbery of the grave. One was the figure that was seen digging and the other was the buried person (Whose name was Derek). An agreement was reached whereby they could keep the ring if they dug up Derek's body and bury it in a special place. Jarek and Davion left the caravan and did the task asked of them, then rode hard to catch up with the caravan again.


Day 7  Rest day for the caravan. A chance to let the beasts of burden regain their stamina and a nice respite from the long days of traveling. Although the Cultists were being continually watched, so far they had not done anything out of the ordinary.


Day 8  A windy and overcast day. They rescued a man buried up to his neck in the center of the road with the word "Oathbreaker" written upon him. He was a sarcastic ungrateful man, whom they strongly felt was not telling the whole truth.


Day 9  One of the sisters who joined the caravan tried to murder one of the Merchants (Newhan Serelum). the PC's rushed to see what was going on (Zath had seen the whole thing through the eyes of his Crow) and help the Merchant. The woman of course denied the whole thing and when she fled, they chased her down and tied her up. Her sister tried to untie her and she was tied up as well. They were brought before the merchants who, in the end, took the PC's advice and kicked them both out of the Caravan.


Days 10 - 15  These days were quiet and uneventful. On Day 14 and 15 it became stormy and wet again.


Day 16  FUNGUS HUMUNGOUS  - As they were breaking camp, patches of mushrooms began to magically appear upon the ground. Soon these shrieking shrooms had everyone in the caravan up and concerned about being poisoned. The mushrooms were growing at a rapid rate. Mia came up with a brilliant idea to sort of "Mow down" the shrooms on the road as they went - using a length of rope and two riders scraping the road ahead. The advance mowers could only do it for so long before the pain of the shrieking became to much and they would have to switch off. After almost 2 hours, they made it out of the, now huge, forest of mushrooms.


Days 17 - 19  These days were wet once again. On Day 18 Mara became incensed because one of the Merchants (Acrany) was whipping agrily one of his horses who was obviously completely exhausted. Mara stopped his whip and put him in the mud. Davion came to heal the horse of its wounds but only time could cure the exhaustion. Xedred purchased the poor horse from the infuriated merchant before he could take out any more anger upon it. Xedred, Davion and Mara stayed with the horse till it was rested and then caught back up.


Days 20  In the middle of the night as Jarek was taking a piss off the road into some bushes, something leapt out from the darkness to crash into him. That's where we left off.


-Weary D


#13 - Aug 8 - 2016


THE ROAD NORTH: It was a pitched battle against the undead attack, but the heroes were eventually victorious. The Merchants of the Caravan felt we had shown great courage and strength in that battle.


DAY 2  On the second day the weather became stormy and the rain poured down hard. At the end of a haggard day, they arrived at a waystop Inn - Blackard's. The Inn is run by a man, his wife and their young lad (Pick). The Inn was completely rented out to a group of rich dandies, who refused to allow the Innkeeper to grant the merchants rooms for the night. Boldly pushing into the Inn to see what the matter was, the party met the foppish men at the fire. Mia's sarcasm let her down the path of foolishness as she laid hands on one of them and she was stabbed. Jarek rushed in to aid her and he was stuck down as well. Luckily cooler heads prevailed and Xedred and Davion settled the situation, healed mia and Jarek, and the

team backed out of the Inn. Mia vowed revenge but there was nothing that could be done about it.


Day 3  The Caravan arrived at an Inn at the crossroads where The Coast Way  branches off into The Thunder Ride, which would take travelers north and east straight through the heart of the Fields of the dead. The Inn offered much needed respite from the weather. The Caravan also took on some adventurers as guards. Many Merchants wanted to hire individuals of us as their personal guards, but all of the group kept loyal to their original agreement to protect the entire caravan.


-D Ditty


#12 - Aug 1 - 2016


BARGING DOWN THE RIVER: Gearing up, they were soon on their way down the vast Chionthar River heading to the great city of Baldur's Gate. They met up with Captain Edomere of the barge - "Betty" who offered to pay them as guards for the journey west. The trip was quick and uneventful, travelling night and day they were there in two days. As the city came within view they learned a bit more of the city. The city allows no horses, wagons, etc. within the city proper. Everything must be unloaded at the city gates and moved into and out of the city via hand carts.


BALDUR'S GATE: Upon arriving in the vast city, the first thing they did was find a young guide with a "distinguishing feature" . Young Zora was a lad with a port wine stain upon his face in the shape of a rough question mark. He proved quite helpful as he guided the group through the claustrophobic avenues of the city. He led them to their contact (Ackyn Selebon) who has a freight shop just outside the east gate. With the information from Zora and Ackyn the team came up with a rough plan - They would watch the South and North gates for any signs of the Cult of the Dragon trying to enter the city at the South Gate, or trying to assemble with a larger caravan train at the North Gate.


While in Baldur's Gate, the group stayed at the "Three Old Kegs" Inn, near the South Gate - The proprietor is Lady Ithtyl Calantryn. They also enjoyed a wonderful (and expensive) meal at "The Helm and Cloak" Inn and Feasthall. For evenings entertainment the heroes spent time sharing tales and drinking at the Elfsong Tavern run by "Lady" Alyth Elendara. In the evenings they would listen to the mournful song of the elven ghost who inhabits the Inn.


THE NORTH GATE AND BEYOND: It was at the north gate, after a couple of days, that the group latched on to their first lead. They noticed a few familiar faces amongst the caravan people at that gate preparing for the journey North to Waterdeep. These men were cult of the Dragon operatives posing as a traveling group of harvesters. The dispirate caravans were all assembling together for protection on the long journey north, so the team joined on as hired guards so that they could keep an eye on the Cultists. Their objective is to definitively find out where their destination is.


Journeying north along the traderoute, skirting the Fields of the Dead, they encountered their first major problem. While guarding one night the caravan was attacked by undead creatures. Two of them began attacking Mara and Jarek as the rest of the crowd were roused from slumber. The pale skinned creatures of the night seem almost impervious to weapon attacks, but magic seems to be having a substantial effect. Right now one of them is down and we are battling the other. There is some speculation that they have regeneration. That is where we're at.


-Doug "I'm Batman!"


#11 - Jul 25 - 2016


THE DRAGON, THE WAGON AND THE EGGS: The Dragon quickly swept forward and blasted its gaseous acidic breath weapon upon the wagon and its defenders. All of the horses around the wagon immediately died from the attack and Davion, Jarek and Mara took serious damage. Zath, Mia and Xedred were all back a ways and did not suffer the initial blast. Davion backed off while Jarek and Mara attacked the dragon (who had settled upon the destroyed wagon going after the eggs, we assumed). The rest of the party used ranged attacks against the beast.


The fight was almost over before it started. A few licks were given to the dragon, but it gave better than it got. Using its breath a second time, it dropped Jarek, Mara and Davion to the ground. Xedred managed to Hex it and Davion did manage to get a faerie fire on it briefly before he went down. Sensing the dragon would escape with the eggs, Zath used his Warlock Magic to set a swirling vortex of blades upon the wagon where the eggs were - to ensure their destruction. With half the party fallen to the dragon, the remaining were fleeing and or seeking safe shelter and cover from the dragon. Once the dragon realized the eggs were destroyed, it took off flying to the south, and the party could set about healing and getting back on the road.


ELTUREL: Meeting up with a large patrol of Hellriders from Elturel, under the command of War Captain - Sir Jare, the battered group was escorted to the nearest way stop. After resting the night, they headed off on foot in earnest to Elturel. Four days later, the weary and worn adventurers made it to Elturel, enquired about the Monk and his Paladin friend and were directed to the Pair of Black Antlers Tavern (The Barkeep was a human named Venor). They drank and refreshed themselves - Jarek getting quite drunk and Mia spending time with some minstrels learning some of their songs.


Soon the Paladin - Maxim Onthar (Knight of the Order of Argus) arrived and the group was headed up to his private rooms above the tavern for a debriefing. Soon after, the monk Urlanthar (A Harper) showed up to take part. The group gave all of the information that they had learned to the two important men and they received 300 gold each as payment for their stalwart heroics. Now the groups benefactors want them to travel west to Baldur's Gate and then head south along the coast to intercept the advancing forces of the Cult of the Dragon. They are to scout it out, learn what they can and report back. 


-D is for Doug and that's good enough for meee. (Nom nom nom nom....)



#10 - Jul 18 - 2016


BERDUSK AND BEYOND: The group made it to Berdusk and spent some time early in the morning checking out the city, purchasing new armor, and investigating travel via the RIver Chionthar. Some in the group felt that this was putting an unnecessary risk upon the security of the eggs, so ultimately it was decided to stay to the highway to Elturel. This seemed to frustrate Mara the most as it was her idea to take the barge and she felt it was the best idea.


BIG BRITCHES: As they were following the Skuldask Road to Elturel, they encountered an ambush by a Stone Giant (Who was hiding in the trees on a hill overlooking the road). As they group were deciding what to do, the giant came forward and was seemingly demanding a horse. With the Giant's rudimentary speech, Zath decided to telepathically communicate with the monster. The Giant was in fact demanding a toll of one horse to allow us passage along the trail. Extortion!


After a quick discussion, it was agreed that they would not succumb to extortion, and they felt that something needed to be done to stop the giant from endangering this road for others. Zath needed to be fairly close to use his telepathy, so he and Jarek were 30 feet away from the giant when he gave the giant an ultimatum to leave the area or pay the consequences. He chose the latter. Jarek moved in the way to protect Zath and was struck by a thrown boulder, Jarek charged the beast. The other members of the group cast ranged spells and shot arrows at the creature.


Jarek, after getting in a couple of slashes, quickly succumbed to the massive strength of the giant. He was being used as a shield and a weapon against the other team members. Davion worked fervently to cast heal spells as Xedred moved forward to intercede. A few moments later, the giant was being weakened from an onslaught of attacks, Mara leaped into the fray and gave the killing blow, felling the beast. No lair or treasure was found in the area.


PREY: Journeying further on their quest, they were followed by wolves for a time but there were no problems from them. Soon they noticed a dragon flying high in the air. It became apparent that it was doing a wide circle of the area that they were in. Some felt it had nothing to do with them and others were certain it was tracking them. Xedred felt strongly we should destroy the evil dragon eggs now, lest they fall back into the hands of the cult. The group left the wagon on the road and hid in the flora of the area to see if the dragon came back. After half an hour, the group decided to continue in earnest.


Some time later a smallish copper coloured dragon swept in over the group and their wagon and interceded itself in front of them on the road, looking angry as it gouged it's claws into the highway. Both Mara and Jarek attacked it on it's way in and missed. Now they are wheeling around to intercept the dragon on the other side. This is where we left off.


- I'm too sexy for my Doug


#9 - Jul 11 - 2016


THE PRISON: As the group was deciding its next course of action, noise from outside roused them to investigate. A score or more beefy kobolds were cavorting wildly about the main cavern entrance and beyond them, outside, could be heard the chanting of hundreds more. The imp was sent to investigate and confirmed that serveral different kobold tribes had gathered in the open canyon outside.


The wearer of purple, Fulon, had left a message for them - Leave the eggs and you will have free passage out of the mountains (Written upon an old canvas tacked to the wall near the crack leading to the heroes). The PCs sent a similar message right back, requesting a meeting with Fulon. This was eventually granted and the parley was not terribly productive as Fulon was unwilling to listen to any other terms. It ended with Fulon admitting the eggs were lost and declaring they would send in an army to destroy the PCs.


Soon the Kobolds were building barricades outside the crack leading to the main entrance. The group made a foray out to harry them but were nearly destroyed by a swarm of kobolds. The PCs healed up, rested, and put their brains to how they were going to get out of this. They captured a lone kobold who came too near their passage. He was interrogated and intimidated and, due to his deep fear that the eggs would be destroyed and the dragon would come back and burn them all, was sent back to parley with the chieftains to see if they could be turned against Fulon.


Over an hour went by with no reply. The way down the chute was checked and the kobolds were barricading there as well. Thanks to the insidious mind of the imp, a plot was hatched where Zath would use his disguise ability to look like a half dragon cultist and lead us and the eggs out of the cave system, right through the mass of quiverring, fearful kobolds. This plan worked to perfection.


THE BREAKOUT: Even though Fulon tried to muster the kobolds against Zath, the creatures were too afraid to go against one of the Half-Dragon Cultists. No attempt was made to follow the heroes as they made it back to their horses, and finally to Greenest - where they resupplied and informed the Governor of what had transpired. Much to Mara's consternation, the group decided to give over the treasure they had found with the assumption that it was spoils from the town anyway.


A long but safe journey was made north along the Uldoon train, and then west along the Skuldask Road to Elturel. The PCs had an opportunity to get to know each others stories a bit on the way. This is where we left off.


- Just Doug


#8 - Jun 27 - 2016


The Drakes were finished off quite quickly and the rest of the flying kobolds fled deeper into the caverns. The team, feeling quite bruised and tired, gave up chasing Fulan and retreated back to the human barracks room to sleep and recoup.


MORALS - SHMORALS: The groups rest went well and they were not attacked. While deciding their course of action the subject of morality and belief systems came up. Mia called Jarek out on his choice to say that he would not feed humans to the stone snake creature - BUT if they wanted to fead the Dragon creature to it, they could. They sided with him and Davion at the time because they would not go against something they strongly believed in. But the question of what constitutes a monster, and more specifically does "Not feeding humans to it" mean only humans? What about Elves? What about Tieflings? Mia and Zath wanted to know what their label was? I think they wanted assurance that he was not racist against them.


The conversation did not go well. One can only speculate what was going through each of their minds, but Jarek was terrible at getting his point across and the other two were not satisfactorily getting the answer they wanted. Jarek became quite hot-headed and lost his monkly cool and let his youthful anger burst through at being challenged on his morality. The easiest answer would have been Monsters are defined as not (human or demi-human beings) - but alas Jarek did not articulate that until the end of the discussion. It ended with only partial success with a moody Jarek and an insulted Mia.


THE STONE SNAKE: After the melodrama was over the team decided their next course of action and discussed tactics (Or lack there of). Mara seemed especially frustrated with not having a leader and having to pass everything through a democratic vote. After a few minutes the decision was somehow made to go and defeat the stone snake creature. They searched the chambers of Fulon and found the remnants of a note with a clue on it. They moved back down to the snake cavern to confront the beast - and what a horrible beast it was. It was a Roper like creature and it's pseudopods snatched up PC after PC to chomp in it's cavernous mouth. It was a ferocious fight with survival far from guaranteed.


Eventually they defeated the creature, searched around and found 3 Dragon Eggs. It was decided to remove the dragon eggs and bring them to the surface and back to civilization. The team built sleds out of barracks furniture and loaded up the eggs. This is where we left off.


- Douglas B. Little, First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and of the First Men. King of Meereen, Khal of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, Second cousin to the sister of the Mother of Dragons.


#7 - Jun 20 - 2016


The group decided that they had better have a full rest before they decide whether or not to tangle with the stone snake in the next room. Fighting some of the kobolds up the north stairway should be fine for now. They went up the stairs and encountered a kobold trap. Piles of rotten hay were positioned in the stairway. When investigated a kobold attacked Mara before high tailing it up the stairs. They they set the hay on fire. No one was seriously hurt, but Mara had to clean out her eyes from whatever was sprayed.


Waiting for the smoke to clear, the group settled in for a long rest. Shortly after settling down, Fulan and 4 of her kobolds came rushing out of the Stone Snake cave, attacking and racing for the north stairs. They threw flasks of sticky goo and flasks of fire at the group. Some members had to fight their way free of the goop to defend themselves. The kobolds in the room were killed and a race began as the team chased after Fulon up the stairs.


They soon came to another rough hewn cavern that had flying kobolds with slings and powerful looking ground based Drakes.  They attempted to set up a protective barrier with Davion and Mara's shields, with Mia and Xedred firing from behind their cover at the flying kobolds. When the drakes arrived, they backtracked down the stairs to lure in the Drakes. They managed to kill one drake, but the other would not follow. Taunting did not work as the drakes fell back. The team moved forward to deal with the flyers again and the drakes once again charged. We finished the night in mid-fight.


- Dug, the update-inator


#6 - Jun 13 - 2016


IN THE TUNNEL: It was a truly valiant fight! In the tunnel, Jarek interposed himself between his comrades and Rezmir and a berzerker. As they battled on - Zath pulled Davion back around the corner and searched his body for healing potions. Once found, Davion was back in the fight and immediately healed up Jarek, who was terribly wounded. Davion healed himself back up with potions and soon both Davion and Zath were casting spells and cantrips at their foes along with Jarek's whirling swords. Zath and Davion have my vote for MVP in this fight, they made a huge difference in overcoming Rezmir. When he fell, all the PCs in the tunnel rushed out to help the others.


IN THE ROOM: Mara and Xedred battled ferociously against 3 of the Great Ax wielding berzerkers. Soon one peeled off to go after Mia as Xedred fell to a vicious axe blow. This left Mara to battle against 2 on her own. Mia came out of her stupor just in time to dodge the attack of her opponant. She chose a particular fighting style for this battle -  disengage, move away and fire her arrows at her targets. She hit Fulon with a penetrating arrow for impressive damage, forcing the evil leader to flee down the stairs. She then continued to bait and fire her arrows against her attacker. Soon Mia was sinking arrows into any opponants she could, including helping to take down Rezmir. Mara battled on - finishing one of her opponants and beating the crap out of the other as the rest of the group converged on her fight to finish him off. Everyone was battered, bruised or bleeding by the time this fight was over.


REST: From there the group took a short rest to heal up and get some loots from a small chest in the north of the room. The much revived Xedred used his masterful skills, with the help of Mia, to disarm TWO traps on the chest and pick the lock. After that they did some scouting with the help of Zath's Imp. The north stairway let up to several kobold encounters and the East stairs led down to another cavern. East is where they encountered a strange, talkative creature who will let us pass only if we provide him with meat. It appears to be a large stone snake of some sort. We are currently deciding on how to proceed. Jarek and Davion have expressed opposition to feeding the beast human being remains from the previous room. 


-Dougie Houser, WM


#5 - Jun 06 - 2016


We've come back to 5th edition and picked up where we left off - Which was to jump into a fight with the bandits in the next room. We had to rush without much of a plan as reinforcements were beginning to arrive. The battle in that room went okay (One of the leaders was one of the reinforcements - Fulan Mondath, A spellcaster). Fulan was casting Hold Person spells and took Jarek out of most of that fight. Fulan and the remaining guards fled down a passage and we raced after them, through another room (Which we set aflame for some reason) and down a chute to another level.


Chasing them brought us to a large mostly natural cavern, with Fulan hiding out of sight and the Half-Dragon named Rezmir and several barbarian berserkers were across the cavern getting ready to charge. We took up defensive positions to fire ranged weapons upon them as they charged up. Rezmir and a berserker came directly for Jarek, Davion and Zath, while the remaining berserkers tried to surround Zedred, Mara and Mia.


As it stands now - Jarek is severely wounded, Zath is wounded from the same dragon breath that took Davion right out of the fight (He is dying on the floor). Mara and Xedred are fighting a desperate melee battle against overwhelming odds. Mia has disengaged and moved to a better position for her arrows, but has been enspelled with a Hold Person spell, so she is out of the fight. Of note - Xedred actually had a fairly significant arrow hit against Fulan, so that could potentially be decisive. 


-Doug-less, The man with no Doug


#4 - Jan 11 - 2016


Looks like I missed a few updates. There was a big fight/ambush at the mill which we won. We went searching for the Enemy army's encampment and found it in a hidden canyon in the Cloud Peaks mountain range (See Map #2 - Maps. We battled many bandits and cultists along the way. We sent Zath and Xedred in disguise to check it out. They managed to get out with some information about the area and motives of the army.


Neal and Don were sick this week, so we decided to do Jim's 5th campaign for tonight. We have now gone back to once again check it out and find the enemy camp raized, as if burned on purpose as they moved out. We are now currently checking out the cave (See Map #3 - Maps) and are preparing to fight cultists in one of the rooms. We're all level 3 now.


-Funky Fresh Doug and the Dougtones


#3 - Jul 20 - 2015


It was a tough fight against the drakes and cultists at the church but we prevailed (Jarek was hurt badly even after using a potion). We rescued the priests and lay brethren from within the church and escorted them back to the keep, using the secret tunnel after darkness had fallen. There was not much time to celebrate our victory as we were forced to rush to the defense of the keep's sally port which was being overrun by Kobolds.  We managed to respond quickly and put a stop to their advancement.


Trying to get some rest after a long day of fighting, the keep was attacked by a giant lightning spewing dragon. We managed to hit it a couple of times before it flew off, but not before it had inflicted several lighting passes blasting the walls and battlements.  Many were wounded and we tried to get them to safety.


We tried to rest again and managed a short rest before the Governor requested our heroic assistance once again to save the Mill. We took the secret tunnel and stealthily moved through the woods and ambushed the cultists outside the mill. Zath managed to charm one of them. We have learned that a large group of cultists lies in wait inside the mill to ambush us.  We are currently deciding how to handle this news.


-Dougie Doug Dug Shnizzle Fo Shizzle III


#2 - Jul 13 - 2015


Mara was alright - Deb used her Inspiration to save her butt.  The rest of the kobolds were mopped up and some fled.  Davion was incapacitated so we decided we should head for the Keep with the people we rescued. It was a few tense moments trying to sneak through town, but Xedred ran cover-fire for the team and the townsfolk we saved. We saw an opportunity and ran for the keep.


We met the Governor and he sent us off through a tunnel to save the Church.  We snuck up and attacked enemy humans and kobolds both. Our archers making good use of terrain advantage, climbed to the roof to pick off enemies. A large group was on the East and another on the North.  We engaged the north and defeated them. The rest of the team moved to the roof as well.  We wittled them down and then Jarek and Mara went down to engage the rest.  


Currently we are fighting 2 wounded Drakes and half a dozen or so ememies (Mostly human) - Jarek and Mara in melee and our ranged friends helping from above.  Oh yeah, Xedred missed a jump and fell off the roof. He's healed and fine now (Except his pride). Jarek is at half health. Oh! I think I got all your names down now.  Yay! 


I added a picture of a 5th Edition Kobold on the Images page.


-Kitchen Bitch Doug


#1 - Jul 6 - 2015


When last we met.....The group of young heroes were assaulting a group of Kobolds who were looting a farm house and who have now taken refuge within.  They are firing out windows at anyone they see. Jarek and Davion have swung south around another building and have engaged exterior kobolds there. Nikki's Character has taken to the roof of this other building and is firing into the Kobolds building. Don and Steve's characters are at the north east corner of this other building taking cover.  Debbie's character has taken the assault to the kobolds and charged the front door, taking fairly severe damage (Not sure the exact outcome of her health at this point). Nikki's character has shouted out Debbie's character's situation and we are just deciding what to do about that, as well as the remaining Kobolds.  


Sorry I don't remember every character's name yet.  I forgot to write them down.


PS - The village map has been added (It can be accessed by clicking on the Maps (Outdoor & Dungeon) link in the right side LINKS bar. Check back often to see what DM Jim has added to this section.


-Webmaster Doug





# 6
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# 12

AT THE RISING OF THE SUN  5th Edition Adventure

# 13
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Anchor 33

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