Individual Experience Awards
Multiply total Role-playing XP by ½ character level to determine final XP bonus, round result down.
Treasure is worth ½ XP/gold piece to allow for these rules.
(1) Making a personal sacrifice to further party effort
(2) Role-playing your character
(3) Affecting the whole group through role-playing
(4) Developing character with respect to class, race or alignment
(5) Doing something against the player's better judgement
(6) Performing heroic actions whether flashy or intelligent
(7) Acting severely out of character
(8) Acting out of alignment
(9) Surprising the plot
(10) Having an idea that saves the party
(11) Having a good idea (Ie.; Solves a puzzling clue)
(12) Using class/race abilities in a unique or clever way
(13) Player devotes time out of game to enhance play
(14) Player encourages others to participate
(15) Player arrives to gaming sessions on time
(16) Player uses information the character wouldn't know
(1) 50 - 150
(2) 25 - 75
(3) 50
(4) 50
(5) 50
(6) 25 - 50
(7) [- 75]
(8) [- 100]
(9) 100
(10) 75
(11) 25 - 50
(12) 25
(13) 75
(14) 25
(15) 25
(16) [- 75]