The Optional Infravision rule (PH p. 119) is not used.
We are using the optional proficiencies so assign languages using the non-weapon proficiency method.
Refer to the description of the race in the Forgotten Realms Grand Tour.
Verihoon Dhar (“Dhars” - Heartsblood Mushroom)
Since before the time of the Fallen Kingdom the dwarves have harvested the lands below. They have stumbled upon a great deal of lore regarding fungi and other Flora requiring no light. One discovery that has proven a great boon is the “Dhars”. Originally cultivated for its nourishing properties, the “Dhar” has come to serve as a staple ration carried by dwarves that must journey out of their clan holdings. Although most dwarves are aware of it’s properties as well as it’s effect on persons other than dwarves or hobbits, they do not often offer them out or share them. It is the essence of the mushroom that is considered to be the very spirit of Marthammor Duin. It is not that it has a religious significance to the dwarves but it is a strongly held superstition that is meant to help dwarves and their allies and to allow humans, elves, gnomes or others to consume them would not help the cause of Marthammor Duin. .It is an old Dwarven saying that, “All the Dhar lacks is hops and barley to provide a complete diet.”.
An elongated fungus that has a dark blood red colour similar to liver, the “Dhar”, or Verihoon Dhar in Dethek, weighs 1/10th of a pound each and three provide enough nourishment for one traveling dwarf for one day. They will prefer to eat other rations first and will often carry a spice (salt, or other seasoning as is available) if they have a choice.
Game Statistics
This Dwarven ration is not poisonous but causes severe cramps and gas in Humans, Elves and Gnomes. One Rides ration in Dhars would weigh 3 lbs.
Refer to the description of the race in the Forgotten Realms Grand Tour.
Refer to the description of the race in the Forgotten Realms Grand Tour.
Refer to the description of the race in the Forgotten Realms Grand Tour.
Refer to the description of the race in the Forgotten Realms Grand Tour.