Hey folks! We're getting close and the new team seems to be shaping up nicely. Here's what we have so far:
Jim - Soulja: A Male Human Mage with a dark past who has a specialty in mind manipulation. DONE. JUST NEED TO DO A FEW ROLLS.
Don - Izzy: Male Human Mage with a thick Irish accent and friends in high places. The Face. DONE
Doug - Maverick: Massive Male Ork. Trash talkin', cigar smokin', ass-kickin', ex-smuggler, Cyber Tank. DONE
Nik - Skitch: Female Human Phys-Ad. She swings a hard-ass bat. STILL NEED A FEW THINGS TO FINISH UP
Neal - Human Male. A very unique rigger/decker. DONE
Steve - Human Male Decker. A mystic and talented Decker. There is nothing usual about him. STILL NEED A FEW THINGS TO FINISH UP
Deb - Human Female. She is a cyber stealth/Sniper pro. Thread the eye of a needle with an APDS round at 800 meters. DONE
Sounds like a great lineup to me. Let's try to have these guys ready to go for Monday if we can, please. I will be available to help any of you with this task this week if you need me. Jim - if you figure out exactly what you are looking to do in the 2 weeks granted for prep, just apply them and we can make the rolls we need when we get the chance. If you're done everything else, you're ready to go.
This is a tough group you've managed to whip up here. Should be fun. I may have to up my game. :) Cheers!
