Typical Actions and Tests
Matrix Perception​
File search is matrix perception test with the threshold set by GM based on how hidden it is and what PCs know of it.
Some Devices may be running silent
1. Unopposed Perception test to see if any device running silent (Computer + Int) Need 1 hit
2. Another Perception test vs Device R + Sleaze
one net hit finds it, extra give more info about it
Control Device Action
Skill + Att [action] v. Int + firewall
Electronic Warfare + Int [Sleaze] v. Int + Firewall
(If no skill test involved)
Builds OS
Requires marks depending on action type
1 mark = free; 2 marks = simple; 3 marks = complex
Spoof Command
Hacking + Int [Sleaze] v. Log + Firewall
Give a command to a device as if you were owner. Must have a mark on owner, not the target.
Builds OS
Log on to your Grid
Hop to another grid?
(If no access - BF or HotF)
Overwatch Starts
Direct Connection -> Device
Uses Devices Ratings
No Noise/Distance Issues
Wireless -> Device
Uses Device Rating or Master devices/Hosts Rating
Noise + Distance Pen
Wireless -> Host
Uses Host Ratings
Noise not Distance Pen
Place Mark
If device slaved to host - Mark on device = Mark on host
Brute Force is Attack = Cyber Combat + Log [Attack] vs Wil (Host R) + Firewall
(Success = Alert and 1 dmg/2 net hit; Fail = No alert but 1 box dmg per net hit to self)
Hack on the Fly is Sleaze = Hacking + Log [Sleaze] vs Int (Host R) + Firewall
(Success = No alert and 1 perception/2 net hits; Fail = Mark on you and target alerted)
Enter Host
GM starts patrol IC clock
(Patrol IC Scan = Host R x 2 vs Logic + Sleaze)
While on host have Direct connection to slave Dev
Manipulate Device/Icon
Uses Device Ratings
Edit File Action
Computer + Intuition vs Int (Device R) + Firewall
Doesn't build OS
1 net success = Edit file
(Change 1 pic; 1 paragraph; several sec of video)
Can edit feeds from streaming devices in real time
For ongoing activities - 1 net success
Uses 1 complex action per CT
Check for Encryption & Data Bombs!
Matrix perception on icon
Use crack file to defeat encryption
(Hacking + Logic [Attack] v. Protection Rating x 2)
Use Defuse Databomb to defuse
(Software + Intuition [Firewall] v. Data Bomb Rating x 2)
Snoop a Stream on marked target
Electronic Warfare + Intuition [Sleaze] v. Logic + Firewall
Builds OS