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Frequently asked questions
How do I cast a Spell?Choose Force of Spell and Cast. This sets the [limit] for spell. Can spend # Reagents to set new limit. Spellcasting is Sorcery + Magic Rating [Force]. Resist Drain. Resist # boxes of damage set by spell - (If used reagents use orig force for this) Drain is Wil + Mental att (determined by tradition). If force exceeds Magic Att - DMG is Physical. p281 (SR5)
How does Counterspelling work?Spell Defense ​Free action to assign protection to those in view (Up to Magic rating). Can also be interrupt action (-5 Init). Each Combat Turn Defense pool = counterspelling. Must choose # dice for each incoming spell. Dice are added to defense test of all protected people. Dispelling ​Used on sustained and quickened spells. Counterspelling + Magic [Astral] vs Spell's Force + Caster's Magic (+ karma spent). Reagents can be used to raise limit. Every net hit reduces # of hits caster had. If reduced to 0 net hits spell is disrupted. Resist Drain as if you cast the spell p294 (SR5) To watch a quick video on Counterspelling click HERE
How do I summon a Spirit?Choose Spirit Type and Force Each Tradition has specific types of spirits they can summon. It may have force = 2 x Magic Attribute. Every 3 full points of force = 1 additional optional power. Force sets the limit. Reagents can be used to set new limit. Summon Test is Conjuring + Magic Att [Force] vs Spirit Force. Each net success = 1 service Resist Drain Drain value = 2 x Spirits hits (Not net hits) (If used reagents use orig force for this). Drain Test is Wil + Mental att (determined by tradition). If force exceeds Magic Att - DMG is Phys. Spirit only serves until next dawn/dusk. Can only have 1 unbound spirit active p299 (SR5) To see a video on Basic Spirit Summoning click HERE
How do I Bind a Spirit?Binding Test Requires 1 hour per force of Spirit. Uses Force x 25 Reagents. The test is Binding + Magic [Force] vs Spirit Force x 2. Each additional net hits = 1 more service. Resist Drain Drain value = 2 x Spirits hits (Not net hits). Wil + Mental att (determined by tradition). If force exceeds Magic Att - DMG is Phys. Spirit serves until all of its services run out. p300 (SR5) To watch a quick video on Basic Spirit Binding click HERE
How do I Banish a Spirit?Banishing Test Banishing + Magic [Astral] v Force + Summoners Magic Att (If Bound). Can raise limit with Reagents. Every net hit reduces favors it owes master. When reduced to zero - Spirit leaves Resist Drain Drain value = 2 x Spirits hits (Not net hits). Wil + Mental att (determined by tradition) If force exceeds Magic Att - DMG is Phys. Spirit serves until all of it's services run out If have action before spirit leaves can use summoning to try to get services. p301 (SR5) To watch a quick video on Basic Spirit Banishing click HERE
How do Combat Spells Work?There are two types of combat Spells - Direct and Indirect. Direct Combat Spells: Channel mana directly into the target and damage them from the inside out, bypassing armor completely. The caster makes a test with Spellcasting + Magic [Force] v defenders Wil (For mental attacks) or Bod (For physical attacks). The damage is equal to the number of net hits. There is no further resistance test. The caster must be able to see their target, just a bit is all that is needed. Indirect Combat Spells: Creates an external energy close to the caster and he launches that at the target just like ranged combat. The caster makes a Spellcasting + Magic [Force] v defenders Rea + Int. Damage is equal to Spells Force + Net successes, with an AP of -Force. Defender does get to resist this with Armor + Bod - spells AP. To see a quick video on how Combat Spells Work, click HERE
How does a Decker place a Mark on a target?Place Mark If device slaved to host - Mark on device = Mark on host. Brute Force is Attack = Cyber Combat + Log [Attack] vs Wil (Host R) + Firewall. (Success = Alert and 1 dmg/2 net hit; Fail = No alert but 1 box dmg per net hit to self). Hack on the Fly is Sleaze = Hacking + Log [Sleaze] vs Int (Host R) + Firewall (Success = No alert and 1 perception/2 net hits; Fail = Mark on you and target alerted) To watch a quick video on this click HERE
What are Matrix Noise penalties and how do they affect wireless connections?ise affects the wireless signal of your devices, including cyberdecks and RCCs. It acts as a negative dice pool modifier to all matrix actions. Physical distance to the target and the environment in their area factor into this. See Noise table below. Any technological equipment, gear, cyberware, drones, etc. whose device rating does not exceed the Noise rating loses connection to the Matrix. Some devices may have modifications that reduce some of all of their noise penalties. Watch a quick video explanation HERE
How does a Decker hack a Host?This is a complex answer. Below is a video that runs through the basics, but basically you follow these steps: 1. Connect to a device slaved to the host or log on to the matrix and access the host that way. See "How do you access the matrix?" if you need help with that. Going through a device is often easier. 2. Place a mark on the device slaved to the host or the host itself. A mark is your passkey into the host. Patrol IC start their search algorithms against you now. If you need help with this, see "How does a Decker place a Mark on a target?" 3. Use an enter host action and voila! You're in. From here you are free to do Matrix perception tests, control devices, edit files, and all the rest of the goodies so long as you keep hidden and are not discovered by Patrol IC. Keep hidden and make sure your overwatch doesn't hit 40. 4. If you are discovered the host will start their IC loadout - releasing 1 new IC per combat turn. You better work quickly. To watch a quick video on this click HERE
What environmental modifiers affect combat?Several factors contribute to environmental modifiers for combat as shown in the attached table. Each of the conditions for VISIBILITY, LIGHT, GLARE, WIND, and RANGE could stack to give substantial penalties, depending on the situation. There are various ways to compensate for environmental modifiers as shown below.
What modifiers are applied for combat?There are Ranged and Melee modifiers shown on the Tables below. There are also Environmental modifiers which are covered in another answer (See What environmental modifiers affect combat?
How do I buy gear on the Black Market?If the gear you are looking for has an R or F next to the availability, you are going to need to buy it on the black market. You can try to track the gear down yourself or use a contact. 1. Tracking it down yourself through black market sources, runner hangouts, etc. If you have a good Cha, this might be best option. Use a Negotiations + Charisma [Social] v. Item's availability number. If you get net hits, you can buy it. A tie doubles the time. A fail means you have to wait twice the amount of time before you can try again. You can offer an additional 25% of the item's cost to get 1 more die for this test. You can do this a number of times up to 16 extra dice (5 x the cost). If a glitch happens something really bad happens - cops show up, rival dealers attack, etc. A crit glitch means the same thing happens but you don't get to buy the item and the responce is going to be much worse. See the delivery times table on (p. 418 SR5). 2. You can use a contact to find the item you are looking for. Contact makes availability test with their negotiations + Charisma [Social]. Social limit is increased by their connection rating. To see a quick video tutorial click HERE
How do I use Contacts for Legwork?1. Determine if your contact is available. GM rolls 2d6 with a threshold equal to the contact's connection rating. Success means they are available to take your call. 2. Determine what the contact knows. GM rolls Appropriate knowledge skill + Linked Attribute for the contact [Contact's Social Limit]. The threshold is determined by the GM. 3. Determine what they will tell the PC. Minor information is likely going to be handed out without much fuss. Valuable information or information that might put the contact at risk might take some convincing or cost a little extra. The player rolls his negotiation + Charisma + Loyalty Rating [Social]. Street cred raises the social limit. 4. You can sweeten the deal by buying extra dice with nuyen. Each extra die costs (7 - Loyalty) x 100Â¥. 5. If contact doesn't know what you need, they can do more legwork for you. The contact can do an extended Connection + Charisma test, 1 hour interval. The GM determines the threshold using the extended test threshold table (p.48 SR5) +/- appropriate modifiers. The contact may choose to substitute an appropriate knowledge skill for their charisma. Success means some useful info. To watch a quick video on this topic, click HERE.
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