JOHNSON: Mr. Johnson [?/0]
JOHNSON MEET: Roughneck's Bar n' Grill
FEE: 5k per head
THE JOB: Go to specific location and protect corporate assets until their evac arrives. Set up defenses for incoming chopper pickup - ETA 30 minutes. Expect opposition.
CURRENT TIME: 22:55 pst
OUTSIDE: Visibility: Light Rain (-1), Light: Dim @ Stuffer Shack (-3), Partial @ Sheet Metal Plant (-1), Glare: None (0), Winds: Light (-1),
INSIDE STUFFER SHACK: Visibility: Clear (0), Light: Dim (-3), Glare: None (0), Winds: None (0)
NOISE: 2 or 3 depending on range.

** Have arrived and made contact with assets. Have begun to set up defenses within and without the burned out Stuffer Shack.
** Jinx and Alph are in the run vehicle parked across the highway near some low income tenements. Alph's spirit is concealing them. They are active in the matrix in the area. The Van is 141m from the Truck [Noise 3]. The Stuffer shack is 81m from the Truck [Noise 2].
** Soulja is across the street on a slightly elevated position, over-watching the Stuffer Shack (Approximately 55 meters away) He is currently in Astral Projection near his body. Izzy is running close magical cover inside the stuffer shack, watching the primary assets and looking out a window in astral perception.
** Maverick is set up in the main Stuffer Shack Area behind cover, coordinating with the three remaining security guards.
** A dark van has pulled into and around the side of the Sheet Metal plant across the street, out of view of the Stuffer Shack. It is occupied by an unknown number of armored individuals. It is 95m away from the Stuffer Shack.
** An astral form was spotted streaking into the Stuffer Shack and was chased in by Solja, but they were not able to tell where it went. This set off alarms for the team.
** Jinx and Alph are concentrating on the van and finding out what is going on there, while preparing to attack them in the Matrix.


** After a few moments of Jinx and Alf fragging around with any wireless devices they could spot, the van backs up and moves to the street. Alf tries to take over the controls and is unsuccessful, likely alerting them to something going on. They disable wireless on the Van and turn north onto 144th and drive away.
** Jinx's mosquito drone follows and the team sees the van turn into a side road, turn around, and come back out on 144th ave heading south with their headlights off.
** Nomad waits for her shot and double taps the driver in the helmet, forcing the front passenger to grab the wheel as the driver slumps over. The van crashes into a ditch. Nomad takes another shot, semi-auto burst, into the drivers side window as it crashes.
** 2 spirits come streaking in on Nomad and materialize around her. Soulja see's this and begins attacking the fire Elemental. Just as Nomad begins expertly dodging the spirits (Using her Edge), an astral mage shows up and begins casting combat spells at Soulja.
** Soulja, now returned to his body and in astral perception, uses his counterspelling to avoid most of the attacks of the enemy mage and continues whittling away at the fire elemental. Nomad rolls off the roof, still attached to her grapple line and awkwardly gets to the ground with both elementals in hot pursuit.
** Soulja's Spirit of Man casts invisibility on Nomad and defends her from her attackers as best as it can. Soulja and his man spirit finally destroy the fire elemental just as Maverick sticks his assault shotgun out the front door of the stuffer shack and blows away the Earth Elemental.
** The Van is now 110 m away from Nomad, her targets being obscured by the partying gang members and terrain features such as a large copse of trees and small structures beyond. The van is 130 m away from Solja, 135 m away from the Stuffer Shack, and 218 m away from Maverick's truck. (Keep in mind noise penalties). Please keep in mind that there is a -3 background count in the area as well. The google map has been updated accordingly.