To Do List
| Things I gotta do for the Website_
I still need to add more maps to the Maps section. I need to work with Don to make sure we have all the proper ones as he has a bunch downloaded. Also I need to create grid maps for all maps. This will take some time.
Doug & Don
Unknown deadline
It has been like a year and a half since the site went live. The character pages still need some work to get them complete.
Jim - Has given full record sheets for all characters and extra details on a few of them.
Neal - Has given full record sheets for all characters
Steve - Has been slowly rebuilding his lost characters, so we are making some progress there.
Debbie - has given me quick stats for characters. None of Debbie's are digital which has been a problem for her I'm sure.
Don - has given me quick stats for characters.
Nikki - has given nothing but pictures and her's are not digital either, so it's understandable that it is a bit of a hassle for them to do this.
A little at a time over a while and before you know it you'll be contributing happily to the site and it won't feel like work at all.
Steve, Nikki, Don, Debbie
Soon. Alot of time has gone by that surely the players have had time to contribute to the site. I've left it alone but I need to start asking again. This is for them. ASAP. Outstanding information.
I need to go through and make sure all of the content I have added recently is reflected in the Index Tab.
Campaign Section
1. Go through the existing campaign adventure pages and Identify any outstanding information that still needs to be added. Just to make sure that our historical records are up to snuff. This is an important section as it is our well of knowledge to draw info from.
2. Build out the pages for existing campaign threads. They were always meant to have their own pages with aggregated links to their own adventures and be a place where players can go to see the big picture on some of these more expansive campaigns.
Me (With help from other DM's to provide some info)
1. Fury Wars - Pictures for NPCs and places if any. More and accurate descriptions of NPCs. When complete - A summary of treasure and experience. (Don)
2. Midnight in the Garden of Chaos - Pictures and/or descriptions for NPCs and places. Summary of treasure and experience if possible. (Don)
3. The Gaol of Grim Tabor - Pictures and/ or descriptions for NPCs and places. Summary of treasure and experience if possible. (Don)
4. For Duty and Diety - I need to do the whole entry for this one. (Doug)
5. The Trials of Taporan - Pictures and/ or descriptions for NPCs and places. Anything else you can add. (Don)
6. Areth's Tomb - Pictures and/ or descriptions for NPCs and places. Really just anything you got. This is an old one. (Don)
7. Defense of Beaumaris - Anything you want to add. This is pretty old too. (Don)
NPC List
I need to work with the other DMs to try and fill out our Master NPC List. I've got a good start on it from previous lists of my NPCs, and I have begun to add more from the notes in the Campaign section for each adventure. That will be a work in progress. NPC List doesn't really cover what this list is as it also has unique campaign created places such as Inns/Taverns that we have created and given some flavour. They are also immortalized in this list. Maybe we'll just call it Master List. :)
Me, Don & Jim
It is only a matter of Data Entry through a google doc that passes through to the site. So I would say fairly soon. Just have to get Jim and Don to put their minds to it.
Game Tables
The most important tables from the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide should have a home on the here, so that the site can be used as a tool to help players and DMs alike. I know I can organize it for easy access and flow and present it organized into logical links.
A Rainy Day