Aug 18 - 2016
Please let the rest of the group know some of your favorite gaming memories from D & D.
July 25 2016
Of all the places within the Forgotten Realms - Where would you love to explore in the campaign?
Jun 16 2016
Who is your favorite D&D character (of someone else's) and why?
Jul 07 2016
Who is your favorite D&D character (of your own) and why?
WM Doug - Jul 18 - 2016
Here are the Poll Results from the Monday Knights Poll: Who is your favorite character of someone else and why?
After thinking very hard on this one (Very Hard) .... I would say that my favorite character of someone else's would be .... Flannagan Duncan Orric McLear. I knew that the character would come from the Crimson Reavers as that is the group who inspires me most. This character was different from Jim's usually stoic, fighter type characters.
When we started this group - Flan quickly came alive before our eyes and was fun-loving and care free. It really set the tone for the entire adventuring group. I love the fact that Jim created a hand written journal for Flannagan, which captured our many

adventures through the eyes of a Bard. I love when the player spends time developing their character outside of game-time. It is inspirational.
I think Flan is awesome!
Sorry man... I can't do it. I like too many characters of different players and for different reasons. Maybe it should be favorite of each other player?
My Favourite character is Gem!!!
So small and cute, yet so deadly. She loves to laugh and lives life with a child-like innocence. She is trusting, trustworthy, caring, thoughtful, and above all else loyal. Gem has lived her life under the watchful gaze of....well....everybody. She is a halfling after all and everybody knows that all halflings are thieves. This is why she chooses to trust the intentions of others. Not because she is stupid or naive, but because she knows how it feels to be tried and convicted upon first sight.
I like everyone of my characters for one reason or another, because they are all so different from one another in style and personality. Always a role-playing challenge. I would say Ajeroth is probably my favorite - He is such a wonder filled adventurer, always looking for a new experience or meeting a new person. He wants to explore all of Faerun and the Planes beyond. He sees himself as a steward to man, as he goes through his life experiencing as much as he can, and watching his closest human friends grow old and die while he endures - Keeping them alive forever in his reveries.
Favourite D&D character...hmmmm. Much like everyone else, I enjoy all of my characters or I would not play them. If I had to pick, I am not sure that I could. I enjoy them all (and the groups they travel with) for different reasons. As my characters hit higher level and begin to retire from the adventuring life I feel a little bit of me slipping away with them, as a little bit of my heart is invested in each one.
Sorry this is so late in arriving! Favorite character?! Who can pick only one?? Generally it is the one whose mind I am most in tune with at the time. Var is currently near the top, but it is because he is kind of changing somewhat. He is always outwardly calm and in control, but he is a very conflicted individual in some ways. His entire lifeline is very well plotted out (At least in my mind) and I can see the evolution of his character from the point he left Evereska right up until current days. If you had told Var back then that he would be where he is now, there is no way he would have believed you. That kind of epiphany in a character is definitely enjoyable to me.
That said, I am very fond of all my characters, but mostly for similar types of reasons. Beor is a good example of how my characters grow as he was originally a bodged together character playing the "Cleric" role, because it kind of felt like it was my turn to cover that type of need for a group. I didn't have much in mind for him aside from the fact that he was a 'quiet type'. He has since evolved greatly. Now he is still quiet, but I know it is because he is observant and cautious and mindful of the impact that he has in others of his people and how he represents them. He is an elder of his kind and represents the Maker and the dwarves in all things.
Monday Knights are why I say "Oh cool! It's Monday!"
Here are the results from the Monday Knights Poll: Who is your favorite character and why?
I like having a few different characters currently, I enjoy the 5 characters I have for a variety of reasons, but I enjoy changing up between them from time to time to keep them fresh and interesting. I intentionally use my characters to explore different parts of my own thought processes. I generally like to be in the thick of a fight, however, I have been exploring different roles with Flannagan and Bhiraz. To me it is the personality of the character and the chance to adventure that is important to my enjoyment when roleplaying.
WM Doug - Jul 2 - 2016

Here are the Poll Results from the Monday Knights Poll: Of all the places within the Forgotten Realms - Where would you love to explore in the campaign?
Man! You like asking the tough ones...
My immediate thoughts went to: I think that a quest into the Underdark would be cool. I don't know though. Faerûn is huge! Looking at the map, I can't even really look at anyplace and say "Nah... Wouldn't want to quest there."I have a distinct disadvantage in this question, because I do not know as much detail about the realms as others do. I haven't read anything in detail aside from what I really have need to know for my individual characters, but I like adventuring anywhere where atmosphere can
WM Doug - Jul 25 - 2016

be built by moving from the standard "3 days travel along the road" format. I was enjoying traveling across the Reghed Glacier. Even though Abstract wasn't greatly bothered by the cold, it was incredible for mental visuals.
There are so many awesome places in this campaign world that are left to explore and develop. Cormyr, Sembia, The Dales, and to some extent the Moonsea and Impiltur have been developed in the East. The area around Waterdeep and the North, Daggerford, Elturel and the Western Heartlands are fairly well developed as well. Don has taken the Vilhon Reach area as his to develop as he sees fit. Hmmm....I would say Amn, Tethyr, and Calisham are still ripe for serious development. And this isn't even counting crazy cool places like Halruaa.
So, if we are travelling the realms and are looking for a place to check out, why not the Lake of Mists or the Spiderhaunt Peaks! Sound like fun? Right? I don't think I have ever been East of the Sunrise Mountains! We could always just go to RavenLoft, have not been there in a while. He He He