CN hm F8
Religion: Tempus/ Tymora Family: Probably somewhere
Homeland: Irieabor - Central Heartlands
Current Home: Thunderstone - in Cormyr
Travels: As little as possible. Currently Eastern Heartlands
Group Affiliations: The Lords of Thunderstone
Height: 6'2" Weight: 260lbs Hair: Mangy Black Eyes: Dark brown almost black Race: Human Age: 34 Complexion: Dark and scarred Build: Massive. Hugely muscled. Wide.

Tor is a mercenary. He has spent most of his life doing the only thing that he has ever been good at - killing. His many years of travel have been bloody and violent. He has journeyed throughout the Eastern Heartlands and the area around the Field of the Dead, including Ireiabor. His name has become quite infamous in that western area and he has accumulated a few bounties on his head. He is wanted for murder in Balar and Asbervon. He has made an enemy out of a powerful underworld figure in Asbervon. His list of enemies is greater than his list of friends.
Tor lives in a world of weapon oil, dented armor, sweat and blood. Tor is not inherently evil - he is Chaotic Neutral in alignment. He knows no other way to live his life. If an employer is willing to pay the right price, Tor will perform any soldiery task. He will not perform outright assassinations, but will take on bounty hunter roles. He considers himself a soldier and a mercenary sell sword and is most comfortable leading a small unit of soldiers across the battlefield. He is not charismatic enough to be a true leader of men, but his solid combat strategies and willingness to wade into battle alongside his men have given him a solid reputation as an officer.
He would probably have been long dead had he not met Falon. It is Falon's good heart alongside her awesome martial prowess which has kept Tor from going too far over the line. Falon is the only living being that Tor truly cares about. She has an incredible charisma which drew Tor to her from the very beginning. They have been sometimes bedmate and steadfast companions on the many roads they have travelled.
Tor is a somewhat unlikely adventurer. He does not have the thirst for it that some have, but the pursuit of riches holds much appeal for him. Falon searches for something more adventurous than just the sword swinging and bloodshed, and it is his willingness to follow Falon which brings him to this adventurous life. Tor is fearless in combat and has a solid battle sense. He is efficient and brutally final. Life is a game of survival and Tor will do whatever it takes to ensure that he survives. If he feels threatened by another person, he will seek the quickest resolution to that scenario - If he feels he can take the person, he will eliminate them. If they are strong, he will orchestrate things in his favor and then eliminate them. He would rather eliminate threats as soon as possible than to have to constantly look over his shoulder.
Tor is a man of few words - he lets his actions speak for him. He will sit quietly on the sidelines, perhaps sharpening his weapon, while heated party discussions are occurring. If his advice is required he will speak bluntly and without regard to whom he is speaking. In situations where a decisive course must be chosen, he will usually side with Falon and follow her lead.
Tor never seems to have much money, he spends it as quickly as he gets it - gambling, hoaring, repairing armor and weapons, and drinking to excess. It is this need that propels him to seek adventure - it pays well. He enjoys living his life in high fashion when he gets the chance to settle in at a bar and quite often finds himself waking up in the morning amongst his own spilled beer. Tor has certain nonchalance towards his possessions and doesn't seem concerned when he breaks a weapon or leaves one lodged in the ribcage of some great beast. He has lost more magic items than many people have won. He doesn't bother naming his horses or treating them as anything other than possessions because he knows they will not be around long at any rate.
Tor is religiously confused. He has spent most of his life uncaring of the gods and disbelieving in their true power. This has all changed since the coming of the gods and since his death and subsequent resurrection (Falon undertook a great quest to have Tor brought back to life). Tor knew unspeakable horrors in his time on the 'Wall' in the Realm of the Dead, where the unfaithful are placed. The Minions of the Realm of the Dead were unwilling to give up his spirit and fought a tug of war against the resurrection. Tor still bears the scars of the deep claw marks on his body that profess of this struggle. Fascinatingly, Tor still remembers every moment of his time spent in that dark realm and it has shaken him to his core. He now knows that the gods exist and have true power and is rightfully fearful of them. He has yet to decide how he will approach religion in this new light.
AC: 0 (-6 with Shield) HP: 91
SAVES: Po: 10 W: 12 Pe: 11 Bw: 12 Sp: 13
Melee Attack: Thac0: 7 (d8/d12 +9 dmg) 2
Offhand Att: Thac0: 10 (d6/d8 +6 dmg)
Str: 18(95) Dex: 17 Con: 16
Int: 14 Wis: 12 Cha: 9 Com: 7