NG hm T13
Religion: Ao, Mystra (Midnight) Family: Street Scum
Homeland: Waterdeep
Current Home: Waterdeep, Mystra's Gift
Travels: Everywhere!
Group Affiliations: Midnight's Watch
Height: 5' 8" Weight: 167 lbs Hair: Dark brown-black
Eyes: Dark brown Race: Human Age: 34
Complexion: Tan, worn Build: Solid
The Grey Mouser is built for stealthing through the shadows. His rugged face screams of one who grew up on the streets, and it does not lie. He has dark, shoulder length hair that he usually keeps back in a ponytail, but not always. His eyes are so dark that they almost appear black except in the full light of day where a trace of brown will show through. He is almost never clean shaven, but rarely lets his facial hair get all the way to anything that could be considered a beard.