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Religion: Mielikki, Lady of the Forest     Family: None living

Homeland: Hullack Forest   

Current Home: Wilderness of the Eastern Heartlands

Travels: Eastern and Western Heartlands

Group Affiliations: None



Height: 6'1"     Weight: 235lbs     Hair: Long brown     Eyes: Deep Crystal Blue     Race: Human     Age: 35     Complexion: Dark Tanned     Build: Large and well muscled









Garet Jax is a Ranger and quiet worshipper of Mielikki, Lady of the Forest.  His journeys have taken him far and wide across the vast expanse of Faerûn.  He has travelled as far south as Calisham and as far north as Luskan.  He has lived in the Lost Vale on the Moonshaes, and spent several years travelling the area around the Sea of Fallen Stars.  He has accumulated vast knowledge of the land and people of these areas and has aided the common folk in their plights for survival against monstrous and civilized oppression.


His love of nature and animals compels him to feel more compassion for the underdog than the civilized political and economically powerful among humanity.  He is a champion for the common man against the cogged wheel of social structure.  His disdain for 'civilization' causes him to favor rural areas as opposed to large cities and urban centers.  His temperament regarding

humanity is directly related to how long he has been living in the wilds.  If he comes back from a long time living amongst nature, he feels somewhat disconnected from the rest of mankind.  If he is adventuring with others or living in populated areas for months, then he feels more comfortable interacting with Mankind.


Garet is somewhat sullen and introspective.  He is a quiet observer until need for his council is required.  He is by no means a leader of men, but rather feels more comfortable leading a solitary life, responsible and answering only to himself.  The years Garet has spent living in the Wilderness have been the best of his life.  He finds solace experiencing and interacting with nature.  It is these times when he delves deeply into his thoughts and explores the meaning of his existence and his purpose in the world.


Garet is Chaotic Good.  This does not mean that he feels the need to break laws or to rob people.  He has very little need for monetary wealth.  It is not that he despises all laws of civilization.  He respects the laws against murder because it protects people from evil.  He rails against laws that represent social class and allow others to be trodden upon by those who the law says are 'better'.  He believes that every man is answerable to his own actions and must not be allowed to hide behind self-serving laws, or religion.


Garet's parents were Cormyrean frontiersmen, living on the edges of civilization, near the outskirts of the Hullack forest, near Thunderstone.  They fell victim to a Dark Elven war band and on that night, Garet fled into the dark forest, leaving his slain family behind.  Days later, exhausted and near death, he was rescued by the man who would become his patron and teacher.  Korgan Dain was an experienced Ranger and wise in the ways of the dark Hullack Forest.  He nursed Garet back to health and offered, in his gruff way, to allow Garet to live with him for a time.


That 'time' lasted almost a decade as Garet and Korgan grew to love each other as father and son.  Korgan taught Garet his ideals about the world and all of the wilderness skills he possessed.  Garet was a quick learner and soon came into his own as a talented Ranger.  Finally the day came when Garet felt the pull of adventure and the need to explore the world, and he left his mentor and that cozy little cottage.  He has been back several times to visit over the years and Dain is still there - living, exploring and fighting against whatever evil denizens that he encounters within his domain. 


Garets adventuring career has been long and he has met many people in his travels.  Most notably, Garet spent several years travelling with Drake Shadowbourne.  Drake was at times his greatest friend and others the nemesis of all his beliefs.  He still considers Drake a true friend, though he has not seen him in some time.  There was a time when Garet was troubled by romantic feelings towards Drake's wife, Trilidir.  So conflicted were his feelings that he retreated into the wilds for a long time, ashamed of his unspoken betrayal to Drake.  It is likely that neither Trilidir, nor Drake were ever aware of his secret feelings.  He has now put those times behind him and has started to come back to humanity and can be seen travelling the lands of the Eastern Heartlands once again.






AC: -3     HP: 76     Spells:  2 x 1st lvl

SAVES:  Po: 8   W: 10   Pe: 9   Bw: 9   Sp: 11

Melee Attack:  Thac0: 7 (d8/d12 +8 dmg)

Offhand Att:  Thac0: 9 (d6/d8 +6 dmg)

Str: 18(00)*          Dex: 17          Con: 15

Int: 13        Wis: 14       Cha: 14       Com: 15


MS: 65%     HS: 51%

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