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TN hm T11



Religion: None; Faerun Pantheon     Family: None

Homeland: Westgate   

Current Home: Wandering the West

Travels: The Western Heartlands

Group Affiliations: None



Height: 5'10"     Weight: 175lbs     Hair: Greasy short brown    

Eyes: Brown     Race: Human     Age: 30     Complexion: Pale and pock marked     Build: Wiry and muscular




Einar is tall and slender, with a rather plain face and short, receding, greasy brown hair.  He favors dark colored close-fitting clothing and a black cloak.  At most times he is bristling with various weapons.  His enchanted broadsword "Shadow" is never far from him and he is covered with many magical daggers in easy to reach sheaths and well as his magical short sword.  In combat he will fight with Shadow and his short sword and use his hand crossbow and Daggers of Throwing for ranged attacks.




Einar was born in the slums of Westgate in the poorest of conditions to a large impoverished family.  He, like many others, was forced to steal to survive and when still a teenager; he was recruited into the ranks of the Night Masks - the most powerful thieves’ guild on the Dragon Coast.  It is here that he learned the

thieving and assassin trade.  It is in Westgate during this time that

his heart was darkened by the deeds he willingly performed for his new 'family'.  He came to relish the feelings of power he felt when pulling off a caper or watching the life drain out of one of his targets eyes.  He was steadily gaining prominence in the guild when he decided that the Guild was stifling his ambitions.  He left Westgate on good terms with the Night Masks, to travel the world seeking more personal wealth and power - seeking to sate the dark thirst that had been nurtured in the city.  Einar has traveled a dark path through most of the Eastern and Western Heartlands from the Northern city of Luskan to the lands of Amn and Tethyr and as far east as the Vast.


As a chaotic Evil character, Einar had an absolute distain for law in any form and enjoyed subverting it at every opportunity.  Einar was completely self-serving and was willing to kill for both profit and sport.  Any mere thought that someone would be opposing him would mark that person for death in Einar's eyes.  There can be no quarter given.  An opponent or even a potential opponent should be eliminated as quickly and unceremoniously as possible to ensure survival.  Einar was a creeping shadow, a mortal demon walking Faerûn.


It was on the adventure into the Tomb of Horrors that he managed to avoid the death of so many other adventurers but in the process his alignment was dramatically changed.  In an instant he became Lawful Good, and the shock of this sundered his mind.  His new alignment could not reconcile with the horrors of the evil he had committed in the past.  After that adventure he withdrew for a time and when he emerged, it was with a horrible twisted and confused psychosis, a dark parody of Lawful Goodness.  He travelled briefly throughout the lands sentencing and punishing those who were evil or broke the laws of the land, with death. 


Some months later, a moment of clarity descended upon him and he could see past the shroud of insanity clouding his mind.  He could see just how broken he was - Law, Goodness, Chaos, Evil - these morals were the cause.  That small part of rational thought brought him to a solution.  He used a wish to change his alignment to True Neutral.  This, and only this alignment, could allow him to reconcile with the various thoughts, memories and morals that had twisted his mind to the state that it was at. 


This is where Einar finds himself now - pulling himself back together as a True Neutral person.  And he truly has moderated his alignment.  He is prone to spending much time in his thoughts as he comes to terms with his past.  He is no longer that walking demon of shadow and death that growing up in Westgate had created.  He is no longer concerned with good or evil, law or chaos.  There is only immediacy, survival, the here and now.  He has no desire or bloodlust to kill, and based upon the demons of his past, feels somewhat that he has killed enough.  This being said, he will kill if his life is in danger, somewhat more readily than many other adventurers.  And he is still just as good at doing it as he ever was.


He journeys now as an adventurer and a thief, no longer the dark assassin.  He seeks wealth and power still, but in a slightly different way.  It is no longer the thrill of blood that drives him, but rather the thrill of the challenge.  He feels he is the most accomplished of his breed and always wishes to continue to improve and overcome adventurous challenges to prove it to himself... and the rest of the world.  He will continue to struggle with his inner self for the immediate adventuring future - weighing his actions against his past.  It will be a long road to become the new person he is destined to be.





AC: -6     HP: 68    

SAVES:  Po: 4   W: 3   Pe: 3   Bw: 7   Sp: 4

Melee Attack:  Thac0: 11 (2d4/d6 +5 dmg)

Offhand Att: Thac0: 14 (d6/d8 +3 dmg)

Crossbow: Thac0: 12 (d6 + drow poison)

Thrown Dagger: Thac0: 9 (d4/d3 x 2+4+Po)

Str: 16          Dex: 18          Con: 18

Int: 14        Wis: 12       Cha: 13       Com: 12


PP: 80%     OL: 80%    MS: 85%     HS: 85%

FT: 80%     HN: 45%     CW: 90%     RL: 90%

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