Soldier/ Castle Guard
Here is a drawing I am currently working on. I took a break from my Janlynn Project to just try and rough out a soldier in armor. I think I didn't quite achieve the foreshortening on his left arm, but I'll get better. I tried to keep it loose and rough.
One of the things I found I didn't like about my Janlynn drawing is that I made the line too clean and that seemed to suck the life out of the figure. Too stiff. I plan on painting this fella too, as I continue to try and learn how to digitally paint. Good times.

Janlynn Shieldheart
This is one of the main projects I am working on. Doing a character design for Debbie's character Janlynn. From this static design I plan on doing an additional colored action pose and a detail face picture. This is just a cleaned up rough with some block colors thrown in as place holders.
I want to explore character painting in a few styles - comic book coloring with basic shadows and highlights; detail coloring with advanced shading techniques and a more traditional non-lined painting (Oil, acrylic or water color style. The idea is to challenge myself to learn and you learn by doing. I'll post whatever comes out whether I think it is good or bad.

I decided to do up a picture of everyone's favorite Bladesinger - Akkiir. This is once again ust a tightened up rough drawing, so all of the details are not in there. I have some pretty cool ideas for this one: I'm going to have multiple blurred images of Akiir striking from different angles all around the central picture to make it look like his Blur spell is active. I have no idea how its going to turn out, but I have some cool ideas to try.

Akkiir Face - Colored
Here is my attempt at drawing and coloring Akkiir's face. I used a specific coloring technique for blocking in the shadows and highlights. I'm not sure I am 100% pleased with this result, but I'll keep practicing. I'm going to post all of it regardless if it is my favorite or not.

Akkiir - Colored
Well here it is colored. It was a fun and challenging experience, but I think I've learned a lot, and all my errors are sitting in there among all those colors, highlights and shadows. Basically the technique I used was the basic mid-tone colors, Highlight and shadows. Building up for each part of the drawing as I went. I was unsure of myself, so I used waaay too many layers. As my confidence grows I will become more comfortable with the brush tools. All in all, I kind of like it, but I had to stop. I could have kept dicking with this thing forever. Let me know what you think.
Oh yeah. I still have to add the blurr effect in there, but this will do for now.

New Character - Nash Nadiir
My new character for the Dragon Campaign. He's a Ranger/Celestial Warlock (Path of the Blade) DPS'er. I'm not as happy with the paint job on this one, but I am learning.
Click on this picture to see it enlarged and leave a comment on what you think.