Episode 1: Ambush
Kythorn 6, 1491 DR
The PCs were ambushed by goblins along the Triboar trail on the way to Phandalin. Unfortunately they discovered the remains of their friend Gundren's horse and a hidden trail leading to a goblin encampment! Sopping wet from a goblin water trap they ascended into the cave and battled through the goblins and soon discovered, and defeated, the goblin leader Klarg. Weary from their battles, they decide to take a short rest, take stock of their situation and decide their next course. They did not find Gundren or his companion Sildar. There is one un-expored tunnel however.....over the rickety bridge.

Episode 2: Phandalin
Kythorn 6, 1491
After taking a short rest the PCs decided to explore the last tunnel in search of their friend Gundren. They managed to sneak up on a barracks of goblins and quickly dispatched them. There was a goblin hiding in the shadows who had a hostage - Gundren's traveling companion, Sildar Hallwinter. A tense standoff ended with Keeper using her whip to knock the blade out of the goblins hand. Finder's taunts were the final straw as the goblin attacked in rage and was slain.
Gathering what loot they could they escorted Sildar to Phandalin. They arrived late and really only had time to drop off their supplies at the trade post and go to the Inn. It turns out Phandalin is a more interesting little town than one would think. Every townsperson has a story to tell, and a possible link to quests and adventure.
Episode 3: Redbrand Hideout
Kythorn 7, 1491
Getting up in the morning, the PCs decided that from all of the interesting leads to adventure that they would follow up with the child Pip and his friend to try and locate this mysterious hidden cave they found. It took a while to convince Mom to allow the children to lead them to the spot and they began exploring the caves and cellars below the manor house on the hill.
They encountered and defeated a strange one eyed creature who spoke to them in their minds. Gibbering and mad, there was a confrontation and soon it was subdued and told them a little about the place. This was a hide-out of the Redbrands, a group of ruffians who have been troubling the town. They fought skeletons, Redbrand jailors and rescued a woman with her son and daughter who had been kidnapped.

Episode 4: Strategic Retreat
Kythorn 7, 1491
After escorting the rescued townspeople out of the Redbrand's hideout, the PCs took a short rest, dusted themselves off and decided to explore the rest of the area. They followed one short hall at the bottom of stairs that led to 2 doors. Voices could be heard coming from behind both doors. Using the element of surprise they launched an attack into one of the chambers and encountered 4 horrible bugbears and a sniveling goblin.
They managed to defeat their enemies, but at a terrible cost. They almost lost 2 of their number during the fight. They had no choice but to retreat back to town and rest up before they could venture further. They found a beaten Nash lying outside the Sleeping Giant Taphouse and rescued him. They checked in on a few errands before settling in to the Inn. They would try the Redbrands again tomorrow.