Kythorn 28, 1491 DR
The Black spider continued confidently down the stairs, blasting off a fireball which wounded the party but did not deter them. They launched forth with everything they had and regardless of his magical defenses they wore him down with the killing blow coming from Keeper's bow as she took him down with a head shot.
The poisonous gas quickly dissipated with the death of Nezznar, the Black Spider, and silence fell upon the troupe as they looked upon the ruin of their enemy. They quickly worked to revive fallen comrades and take stock of their situation. They decided to take a short break to recover from the deadly fight. They searched their fallen foes and gathered what they thought looked valuable.
With new found determination they began to investigate the doors in this area. Going into the open storage room that Nezznar had been investigating and breaking open a door in the south in that room. The door opened into a spell scorched workshop are with a green burning brazier and the ruins of work benches about the room. Floating near the center of the room was an greenish gray eye-tyrant with one large bloodshot eye and four searching eyestalks atop it bulbous body.
A strange conversation soon began as they spoke with the creature. It seemed to think that the PC's were perhaps members of the mine and was confused by some of their questions, thinking they should already know these answers. Before the guardian became more suspicious, Keeper tried a hunch and suggested that his services were no longer required here and he should go home. He happily went home, quite irrationally thinking the PC's were the proper care-takers of the mine.
The burning brazier was determined to be the Forge of Spells that everyone had been trying so hard to find. There was also a magical mace and breastplate on one work table. Identifying the forge revealed that it has been weakened with time and could no longer perform its function in enchanting items. The breastplate and mace were revealed to be fairly powerful magical items in the service of good.
Overjoyed with their discoveries, they had just one more door to investigate in this area and soon found themselves face to face with Mormesk the wraith, long dead wizard who died defending this place from its last assault, whose only goal was to protect his worldly treasures in the afterlife. He rose out of the floor in its non-corporeal, ghostly form and challenged the PCs. A battle ensued and after a fierce exchange the wraith was destroyed and his treasure plundered by the party.
Feeling fairly certain that they had explored all the areas of the caverns they decided to head back to Phandalin to finally rest and check out their treasures with cold mugs of frothy beer in hand. They had gained a certain small amount of celebrity in town for their heroic deeds and the town seemed excited to have the mines of the Phandelver Pact discovered again, sure to bring newfound riches to the area. Now the only question left was…..What now?