Kythorn 8 - 9, 1491
After finally getting some much needed rest, the PCs roused themselves around dinner time to see what their next move should be. The first order of business was to interrogate the captured Redbrands. One of them was willing to spill the beans in the hopes of lenience. Unfortunately, there was not much new to be learned and he did not know where any surviving Redbrands would go or where Glasstaff could be found. Getting answers out of the owner of the Sleeping Dragon Taphouse cost some gold but could get no closer to the mysterious Glasstaff.

The PCs had dinner and drinks at the Townmaster's house and decided to sleep at the Redbrand Hideout that night before leaving town for their next quest. They decided the best course was to head north east along the Triboar trail towards The Old Owl Well, Conyberry and Wyvern Tor. After completing these quests, they would head back to Phandalin and then head north to the ruins of Thundertree to search for a Druid there. The first day's journey was sunny and pleasant - a nice break from the blood and fighting of the last few days. The second days travel was overcast and a little drizzly, but otherwise uneventful. That night the group were attacked by a couple ghouls which they defeated. Sleep would have to wait, however, as more ghouls roamed the area and would need to be dealt with.