Flamerule 3, 1491 DR
Resting in Phandalin for 4 days, the group were itching to get back into things. They had been enjoying the respect and attention of the town but for some it was getting a little claustrophobic. They met a dwarf friend of Gundren's, who Gundren had sent in their direction. Bronn was a cleric of Moradin and looking for adventure. The PCs were heading off to adventure and could use a cleric, so it was agreed (For the short term). They soon set out towards Neverwinter wood in search of Cragmaw castle.
They had an interesting chance encounter with a very strange gnome riding an owlbear as a mount. He introduced himself to the group explaining that he had heard interesting things were happening in Phandalin and was going to check it out. He mentioned that the Tabaxi group were camped at Coneyberry. Keeper was very wary of him and soon he was on his way. They stopped at the usual campsite along the Triboar trail and had a restful night's sleep.
