The PCs spent much time discussing the information they had received from their prisoner. They knew that they had to deal with the orc problem but were reluctant to go up against so many who were set up in a fortification. They needed to even the odds a bit and from what the orc prisoner had stated, the weak link in that group was the leader Torban and the simmering division between factions within.
Eventually they came around to the plan of using the prisoners to their advantage. They had decided to let the cooperative orc free with his life but they had one more job for him. He would pretend to escape his bonds and cut the bonds of the other orc prisoner (an Eye of Gruumsh) to run back to the ruined shrine with very specific information that would entice Torban to send out a sizable force to deal with the PCs here in Conyberry.
The first orc did his job and soon was running north-east away from all the troubles of the Triboar trail and the orcs of the Sword Mountains. The second orc did as expected and ran back along the rough trail back to the ruins. The PCs followed a short distance behind and when the "escaped" orc prisoner was picked up by a patrol they moved into a position to the west of the ruins, just behind a hill about 500 ft. away.
They set up for a bit of a wait to see what would transpire. Would Torban take the bait? Keeper snuck up invisibly and spied on the orc camp using Finder's Helm of Comprehending Languages to good effect. It seemed that the orc leader took the bait and believed that the PC's were wounded and weary and recuperating at Conyberry, expecting reinforcements in two days. This was the perfect time for Torban to end the threat of the PCs for good.

Torban split up his forces and sent out a large attack force of orcs (10-12) who left the makeshift fort around dinnertime, planning to be in position to attack as darkness fell. About a half an hour after the force left the ruins, the PCs, under the effects of a Pass without Trace spell snuck up to the ruins and began their assault against the leader and his subordinates. There was no sign of the ogres, but they were around somewhere. The two orcs in the south were quickly dispatched by Nash. Bronn stepped around and conjured his spiritual hammer to attack those immediately within reach. Finder finished off an orc with his force blasts and Keeper crawled up the wall to get a high ground advantage against the enemies. Farooq waded directly in and moved to confront Torban in the entrance to his tower.