Bronn rushed forth and cast a healing spell on Alein and then cast Spare the Dying on The Blessed so that they could turn her in to the authorities. The other sorcerers were already dead. They searched the bodies of their enemies and found some magic treasure. They were going to head straight out, but decided they would search around for any more treasure or secret doors.
They managed to find a nice treasure stash under a pile of rubble in the west room, including a magical brooch. While Finder and Farooq were searching for secret doors, Bronn spent his time identifying the items they had found: Slippers of Spider Climbing, Ring of Protection +1, Brooch of Shielding, Wand of Magic Missiles, a potion of healing, and a couple of one off bracelets (Cyphers).
When they finally trekked upstairs again they found that Torea had successfully summoned the Neverwinter Guard and they had secured the main building, capturing the shop keeper and two more sorcerers. After being interrogated by the guard, a wizard was called to take charge of the rope-bound Blessed and bring her to the Hall of Justice. After that, the group journeyed back to the Hall of Justice to speak with Captain Selbane.

She was quite pleased with their accomplishment, especially that they were able to capture the mad sorceress. They re-told their story again and the Captain probed for minute details. The PCs were paid 500 gold for their reward in discovering and stopping what was going on at the Reality Wrinkle. The group offered Selbane a unique opportunity. One of the bracelet cyphers could cast a scrying spell that could be used to find the missing Guard Captain. They gave her the item and she used it immediately and it showed the area where supposedly the body was located. She went off to investigate with a contingent of guard.
The heroes went back to the Witch and Cup Inn to find Keeper and split up their loot. When they arrived they could find nothing of Keeper but a hastily scrawled note. By all appearances it seemed that Keeper had gone off on some sort of adventure of her own and left little other details than to assure Finder that she would be fine and not to worry. She left the magical elven bow in her room.
The group was worried but ultimately they had no way to stop her from leaving after the fact. They split up their loot and Farooq went shopping for plate mail armor. They went to Breggor's Adventuring Miscellany and he managed to spend a bit more than he planned, but he ended up getting Adamantine Plate mail armor! They decided to head back to the Inn and get a good night's sleep. They discussed next plans and decided that going on a dragon hunt sounded like a good idea. They would plan to leave the day after tomorrow, when Farooq's armor would be ready for pick up.