The battle continued as the PCs cut through the wererats with their enchanted weapons. Even the Wererat Bruisers could not stand against them for long. Farooq moved into the room and engaged in battle with a couple more wererats inside and soon they were downed as well. There were a few more small rooms beyond the first two - they were all empty and it seemed as if there were more that turned to rat form and scurried away through openings in the old walls of the tower.
They knew that other wererats were moving around above them and they began to move upward higher into the tower. The rats seemed to be using the inner ropes and cracks and holes to move around rapidly through the Bell Tower. Soon Dire Rats were rushing both up the stairs behind them as well as down from above on them in waves of rushing furry bodies and gnashing teeth. The rats were not terribly tough but there were many of them. A couple of wererats came up behind them from below and attacked and there were Wererat rogues who were taking sneak attack shots at them from the stair landings above.

They fought their way through the rats, and defeated the wererats who attacked behind them, but it was a dangerous climb up the stairs as the rogues would snipe at Farooq as he moved forward doing sneak attack damage. One of the rogues was defeated in this siege-like advance and the other went into a doorway that was in the center of one of the stairways. Bursting in after him opened the PCs up to attacks from more sniping rogues from within. It was a large open area with several pulleys which the 4 main ropes for the bells were attached.
Up above it opened into the top floor of the tower where the bells were kept. The heroes used their ranged attacks and scored some good hits but soon, a strange dark portal opened up to the Far Realm and a disgusting and almost impossible to describe aberration crawled through with it's tentacled arms. This alien squid soon had Farooq wrapped up in it's coiled arms and had used some form of Psionic attack that left Farooq stunned and unable to protect himself. Before the summoned creature could wreak too much more havoc, the group managed to slay it fairly quickly.
The wererats within the pulley room evacuated - one climbing up the ropes to the bells above and one rushing down the central shaft to the lower tower. The PCs rushed up the stairs and managed to catch one of wererat rogues there. He climbed out on of the side openings of this level and climbed up to the roof. Finder, thinking quickly, cast spiderclimb on Farooq who raced out after their opponent. The wererat only got one shot of his hand crossbow off before Farooq dashed towards him and threw him off the roof. The creature screeched as it fell over one hundred feet to bounce off the street far below with a widening pool of blood growing beneath his form.