The team decided that Nash would go forth and investigate the ruins and Griznak cast an invisibility spell on him. Nash went forth and as he got closer he could clearly see that the guard atop the tower was an orc sentry and fallen portions of the outer wall revealed courtyards all around the central building which appeared to be an old temple with a bell tower. These courtyards were all occupied by a large band of orcs and several ogres all going about their camp tasks - cooking, eating, repairing weapons and armor, etc.
Farooq of course wanted to begin the frontal assault immediately but the rest of the group thought that they should try and take out some patrols or something first. These were no doubt the orcs whose stories they had been hearing about, so all thought it was best to deal with them regardless.
A rough track led from the front of the ruins in the direction of Conyberry and the Triboar Trail, so a plan was hatched to set an ambush down the line. Tracks indicated that a large force of orcs had recently traveled from the ruins along the track and would likely be returning at some point. Farooq and Bronn would be the "Bait" while Nash and Finder would position themselves at a distance to provide cover fire with ranged attacks.
The group spent the night hidden along the trail and saw no patrols or movement on the trail. It was decided that they would wait only until mid-afternoon for an ambush opportunity and then they would go on to Conyberry and the Triboar Trail to investigate further. Just after noon they soon had a small patrol of orcs come upon the trail from the direction of the ruins. With brutal efficiency the trap was sprung and the half-dozen orcs were killed before they could even attack back. As entertaining as that was, it was less helpful than they would have liked.

They decided to go on to Conyberry and soon found the abandoned town coming into view. They crept up to investigate and found no orcs, but they did find the abandoned and ruined wagons of the Tabaxi caravan they had met on the trail weeks before. The wagons were all looted and there were no signs of the tabaxi anywhere. Some tracks were found that headed north, off into the dense foliage of the Neverwinter Wood. They followed for a short way and soon discovered that the trail kept going right past the lair of Agatha the Banshee, deeper into the dark wood.
Some in the group really wanted to investigate the strange circumstances of the Tabaxi group, but it was decided that the most important course currently was to deal with the orc threat, so they followed the tracks of the large band of orcs east, running parallel to the road. After a few miles they came upon three horses standing at the side of the road. Nash approached and calmed the animals, speaking to them through his magic. They spoke of their home and an attack and fire and fleeing. They were all branded with a BAK and appeared to be the belongings of some homestead nearby. The horses asked if they could travel with them back to their home, since they were going that way.
Shortly after meeting the horses they came upon a cow, complete with cow bell, munching grass beside the road. It also had branding suggesting it was part of the same place as the horses. They decided to bring the cow along with them as well. Several miles more and they came upon a large ranch whose fencing came all the way to the road. It has tall fields of corn and other vegetable gardens. There was a large L-shaped farmhouse with a large barn nearby which had been razed to the ground. Several pigs ran amok through the fields, squealing away.

The group decided to approach the farmhouse stealthily, weaving their way through the tall stalks of corn. They could stay in the corn and observe the house which was fifty feet away from the edge of the corn field. Farooq moved forth to investigate and peak into a window next to a short stairs to the front door. Inside he saw a few orcs sitting about the farms dining table laughing and partaking of food and drink. Farooq was noticed looking in through the window and an alarm was immediately sounded.
The jig being up, as they say, he rushed up the few steps to the front door and charged inside, discovering a kitchen and a whole different group of orcs. The battle quickly began as they converged on him and he was a twirling blur of spear attacks laying waste to them. Bronn rushed up to back up Farooq as Finder and Nash moved forward more cautiously, firing ranged attacks into the open window at any orcs that stuck their noses out.
Farooq bashed his way into the adjoining room leading into the dining room where he first spied the orcs and he was beset from all sides and quickly was brought down by many slashing blades. Just as things looked bleak Finder and Nash crawled in through the window and entered the fray, Finder casting a quick healing spell on Farooq. Farooq soon got back to his feet and the tense combat continued. More screaming orcs could be heard from elsewhere in the house and they knew this fight was going to become even more serious very quickly.