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A Look Back - The Curse of the Antelope - Part 5

Writer: DougDoug

Updated: Apr 16, 2019


Out of the smothering mists a huge dark shape can be seen off to Starboard approaching rapidly. It cuts through the mist at ramming speed and collides with the Antelope with shattering force. The other ship is so much larger than the Antelope that it's massive Ram sweeps over the main deck and swivels to smash into the Forecastle as the massive ship crunches up the side of the antelope to come along side her.

Sailors are tossed around like rag-dolls upon the deck from the force of the colliding vessels. Salt water sprays everywhere as a large wave pushes over the deck, threatening to wash men overboard. The antelope sloughs back up again just as Massive steel spikes erupt from the attacking vessel and pierce the side of the Antelope, crashing through her side with explosive force - locking the two ships together.

The next few seconds seem to last an eternity as you struggle to your feet, shaking off the confusion of the last few moments. Screams and cries from the crew are a cacophony coming from all directions. Far above, the side of the ship looms over you and a figure appears at the rails. The figure is female, or at least it may have been at one point. Shrunken flesh clings to her face like dried leather and piercing red pin-points of light shine out through barren eye sockets. Her nose is shrunken and rotted away, leaving taught skin over bone and 2 nose holes. Her long hair is straggly and balding as it flutters in the wind. She wears ornate robes from some far off land.

An impossibly resounding voice like ice cracking on a winter lake washes over the Antelope..

"Captain! You have made a very grave error in stealing from a Zulkir of Thay! If you produce the item I will ensure you a quick death. If you test my patience, I shall be forced to ensure that you and your crew linger .... in agony!"


The captain will not relinquish the item and will command his men to ready for battle. The PC's might somehow force him to, at which point one of the Wight's will board and bring the item back to the Krakken. Either way Zinthra will begin her assault and will destroy the entire crew.

**Zinthra will lead with a fireball towards the largest group of sailors as her troops ready for boarding.

**Zinthra will not feel the need to cast any more spells unless she absolutely needs to. She is very confident in her undead minions to finish the job. Early in the battle Vasindra will try to use her spells to attack Zinthra and Zinthra will kill her with a lightning bolt.

**10 undead troops will board the Antelope a round in consecutive waves. They will try to kill as many crew members as possible. The PC's can probably save some sailor lives by presenting themselves as targets.

**This is a fight for survival pure and simple. If the PC's can kill the undead as fast as possible they may be able to keep the attacking creatures from building up. If they can keep Zinthra from using her spells that will be a huge boon as well.

**These are modified Wight's as I don't like the idea of de-leveling my PC's permanently. However if all levels should be drained, they will be deader than dead.


The mists swirl in to engulf the Antelope completely and an immense quiet falls upon the deck of the vessel. No more are the sounds of excited sailors shouting or crying out in pain. The only sounds to come through the mists are the rolling of the waves and the groaning of the deck and you can feel the ships usual roll under your feet.

You stand blinded in the heavy mist for several eerie minutes waiting for the next attack to come. Eventually the mist starts to clear away and night stars can be seen above. As the mist drifts away from the Antelope, the Thayvian Dreadnought is nowhere to be found. No one but the Crimson Reavers remain on the deck, all of the sailors have disappeared with the mist. The ship looks changed - The sails sit tattered and ragged, and the gear on the deck seems old and rusted. No longer are you on the Antelope of some ghostly past and some ghostly place....It seems as if you stand on the deck of the Antelope in the real world in the present, with the lights of (hopefully) the Sembian coast in the distance.


Eventually the PC's will explore their ship. All descriptions of the ship should hi-light how old everything looks, reliving memories for them of the time they spent on the Antelope. It should truly look like an empty Ghost Ship - Barren yet somehow still seaworthy. Eventually they will investigate the Captains quarters.


The Captains Quarters are a mess of spilled maps, books and rotting furniture. As you inspect the cabin, an icy chill wind blows through the cabin and solidifying behind you in the room is Captain Barrett, his form slightly transparent.

"YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS IN HERE!" he shouts with a booming echo as a random motley of loose objects and debris flies about the room. "YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS ON MY SHIPPP!!!" All you can do is huddle and protect yourself from the flying debris as the vortex in the room increases in violence with only scattered glimpses of the captains tortured, enraged visage through the swirl.

"UNHAND ME, DEVIL DOGS!!" His voice rages as the swirling vortex immediately ceases and the debris clatters to the floor. You see the ghostly form of Grok, with his massive ogre arms enveloping Captain Barrett and lifting his form off the floor. Beside Grok stands Ollie and Thom. The fearful eyes of young Wil peer around from behind the others.

"We'll not be needing yer services as Captain any more, Isen. Ye've been voted off" Thom says as he steps past and turns to face Barrett. Barret screams obscenities in rage as Grok turns with him and walks through a nearby wall. "Twas yer betrayal that sent us to our early graves, and ye'll suffer in hell fer it fer certain." Thom says as he follows them out.

Ollie steps forward awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he says "The lads...they've taken a vote. There's somes' that went to the beyond. To whatever waits beyond the veil. Me and the rest....Well we decided we aint ready to go quite yet. We aint done. We know we only got one foot in this world...we know it. But.....well....." He looks up at you sheepishly. "We'll be needing a new Captain....Or Captains as the case may be. Ye've stopped the unyielding replay o' death we been sufferin. We owes ya, if you catch me meanin'.....We'll serve ye as well as any crew. Better even. What say ye..?"

If the PC's agree, they will be escorted onto the main deck where the rest of the remaining crew stands waiting. The crew will slowly approach each of the members of the group and thank them in their own way. Eventually the Bosun, Namal Curadeen will thank them and say "It needs a little work, some sail repairs, some planking, a good scrub out. She'll be as good as new. Just awaiting your commands....."

The Crimson Reavers have their own Ghost Ship. :)




The Krakken is a massive galley with 3 decks, double masts as well as long rows of oars. It is classified as a Thayan Dreadnought and is a warship as well as a cargo/Infantry vessel. It is decorated with skulls and skeletons engraved in the wood. It's massive ram is decorated with a skull faced banshee. Massive steel spikes can explode out of the sides of the vessel at a height suitable to strike most vessels and lock them in place.

The Krakken is a spelljammer and as such can take to the skies to be deployed across Faerun as needed. It is fully armed with Ballistae, catapults, fire throwers and other manner of horrible destruction.


Captain of the Krakken. She was a high level wizard. She had a Wand of Lightning & a Ring of Dispelling.

Skeletons (40)

Wights (30)

The wight's will drain 1 temporary level from victims per hit. If the victim falls to level 0, their life force is completely drain and they will die. They will become one of the sorry victims to wash up on the Sembian shore, nothing but a lifeless husk. Those who survive the attack of the Wights will slowly recover their lost levels over a period of weeks. Until then they will have an ashen color to their skin and will have a haggard, sunken look about their face and bodies.


The antelope is a large Cog. It has one masts and square sails. It is 85' long and 25' wide with a flat bottom suitable for river voyages and is also quite seaworthy. It typically is a coast-hugger but can make open sea voyages. It has fore and aft castles and has two decks. It has a cargo capacity of 200 tonnes and needs a minimum crew of only 10 men. It has a base movement per hour of 3 and an emergency move of 4. It has a seaworthiness of 65%.


Captain Isen Barrett (CN hm F9)* - A ruthless merchant who comes originally from Westgate. He is always looking for the easiest way to make gold. He can be rough and commanding with his crew, but he makes sure they are always paid.

First Mate/ Quartermaster Thom "The Boss" Gilsson (LN hm F7) - He is rough, rugged and brutal in managing the ship. He expects everything to run smoothly and his wrath is legendary if he perceives failure, but he is just, and commands the respect of the crew. Although he is very close to Barrett, he does not share the same greedy desires as his captain.

Bosun Namal Curadeen (NG hf F5) - Namal is originally from Thesk and she has the dark hair and dark skin of a Theskan. She is generally good-natured and takes her job seriously and is good at maintaining the maintenance and stores of the ship.

Sailing Master Tanner Reef (NG hm F3) - He is an earnest young man with an exceptional navigation ability. He also takes his job very seriously and has gotten the Antelope out of some scary situations in the past. he is highly regarded among the crew.

Ships' Mage Vasindra Shadowolff (NE hf M8)* - Vasindra is currently loyal to Barrett and shares his bed as well as his confidence. She is greedy and power hungry and is the one to convince Barrett to this current disasterous course. She is not well liked with the crew.


Cook/ Surgeon Cor "Cookie" McDuff (CN hm F4) - "Cookie" is an older, grey haired, wide girted, greasy man who has spent his life on the sea. He is an ex-pirate who can pillage no more. His left leg is missing below the knee and he wears a peg leg. He is full of stories from his many adventures. He is generally grumpy and loves to smoke his pipe.

Sailor Olivan "Ollie" Hesburg (CG hm F3) - Ollie is shrewd and sarcastic. Oft times he is the comedy entertainment, albeit with a very rough and sardonic sense of humor. He is generally a nice guy and his quick wit often saves him from situations that his quick wit has gotten him into.

Crewman Grok (CN Ogre F6) - Grok is a simple minded Ogre that Barrett brought on board a few years ago. He is fairly loyal to Barrett for saving him and giving him this new life. Grok is a general laborer and puts his strength to good use. He is often made fun of by the other crew members behind his back and is somewhat sensitive to this.

Sailor Lyle "Snake" Vinsar (NE hm T8)* - Snake is just evil, mean and merciless. He came on board the same time as the Mage Vasindra. He is a thief/ assassin by trade and is on the run from many authorities. He is an adequate sailor, and very good in a fight. The crew neither likes or trusts him. He keeps to himself.

Sailor Olaff "One-eye" Gundersson (TN hm F2) - Olaff is somewhat dim-witted and speaks with a terrible lisp coming from his mostly toothless mouth. He is mostly oblivious to the fact that he gets pushed around and ridiculed by his fellow crewmen, he is always trying to act like their friends, but they have little respect for him.

Sailor Morgan Leafbright (NG hm F2) - He is a good natured, friendly, happy go lucky sailor. He always sees the bright side of a situation and would do anything for anyone else.

Cabin Boy Wil Longshire (CG hm F0) - Wil has fairly recently been brought on-board as a cabin boy for the Officers. He is a boy of 14 with a bit of a wild streak in him. He is curious and hard-working, but has been known to get into some trouble. The rest of the crew like the lad and are trying to corrupt him at every turn.

Sailor Norm Wheelwright (LE hm F4) - Norm keeps to himself and is the strong silent type. He works hard at his job and follows Barrett's orders to the letter. He is a bit rude and can come off as quite mean, and always speaks his mind regardless of who he may upset in the process.

Sailor Margory "Madge" Fillman (CG hf T5) - Madge is a real brute of a woman. She's as tough as nails and can work circles around most other sailors and lets them know it. She has the hots for Gar.

Sailor Daavis "Timmy" timbruul (CG hm F6) -

Sailor Jean "Froggy" Chanteau (LG hm F3) -

Sailor Harn "Blister" Obryskar (CN hm F4)* -

Sailor Eddard "Eddie" Stilk (NG hm F5) -

Sailor Gandor "The Blade" Seglaine (NE hm F7)* -

*Indicates no longer a ghost sailor on the Antelope

**More info on the NPC's and Crew can be found on the old Monday Knights Website under the "Adventures" tab.




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