Nash grew up in the slums of Waterdeep, learning to steal to survive. As he grew older he came to be involved with a criminal organization with connections throughout the north. By the time he was a young adult he had moved out of the city to act as a smuggling agent for the organization. He learned his wilderness training while pursuing these goals. It was a comfortable and somewhat profitable living and he became fairly well known as a smuggler amongst his peers, and he knows the ins and outs of the smuggling trade and routes throughout the north.
He came to fall in love with a pretty girl named Maggie, from one of the villages he frequented. This was the first time in his life that he felt any sort of strong emotions towards another - to the point where he would put her life ahead of his own (He was not known for selflessness). He wanted to give Maggie anything she desired, and could actually feel that soon, if he could just secure a bit more wealth, he would settle down with the girl and live out his life a happy man. This was not to be.
While traveling with Maggie between an outpost and her village he was ambushed by a rival. In this business you made enemies as a matter of course. They both were struck down and left for dead. While his love died, he somehow lingered on near death and was found by a passing villager and brought to safety. He never forgave himself for ultimately being the cause of her death, by her association with his criminal life. His heart turned cold with despair.His love was dead and his smuggling buisiness was ruined so he fled south.
For a time he stole, gambled and charmed his way throughout the north, just surviving. It was at this time he entered into the next phase of his life. He ended up apprenticing to a Dragon Hunter named Orace Grimhold - a half-orc Ranger. There was need of dragon hunting at the time as this particular area had been troubled by more than one dragon for some time. Nash hunted and he trained and he became quite adept at understanding the ways, habits and ecology of these creatures. For some time he aided Orace hunting down the dragons. It was a hard life, mostly away from any civilization, and that is just what his dark heart needed. He needed to mourn, and to rage, and to hate. This he gleefully took out on the creatures he hunted.
His time with his stoic mentor was to soon come to an end. After terribly wounding a young black, he and Orace were tracking the wounded beast and misread the situation and their surroundings and were ambushed by the ferocious, dying creature. In a flash, the vicious tail spike of the creature was through Nash's back and protruding out the front of his chest and he fell into darkness. Unbeknownst to Nash, the dragon then scooped up Orace and the battle was taken elsewhere. Nash was left to die once again, and once again fate would present to him a unique opportunity. He does not know the fate of Orace.
A winged being of pure radiance appeared before his fading eyes and spoke of a bargain to be made. He would be made whole again, and be more powerful than he could imagine, but it would come at a cost. Nash would need to serve this fanstastic celestial being and further it's goals on Faerun as required. Nash would not agree until the entity promised him that he would someday see his beautiful Maggie again in the afterlife. After a few tense moments, the being agreed and granted him his life back and infused him with golden celestial energy. Nash does not know the name or nature of this entity, and simply calls him The Light. In fact this celestial being is a type of angel called a Planetar (named Arishnaear), who is in service to Ilmater - The god of endurance and suffering.
Nash would soon learn that this bargain was not given into lightly on the part of his celestial patron, and certainly not out of the goodness of it's heart. It was well aware of his past life and penance would need to be freely given or it would be taken from him regardless. The desires and designs of this entity are completely alien and it exacts a heavy price if Nash should stray too far from the path given to him. He retained his previous alignment and attitude, memories, etc. He could go and do as he wished, but when a vision came to him, demanding he go somewhere and do something for his patron, he would need to do so. If he waylaid in starting his task, eventually it would cause him to be marked with the burning sigil of his patron somewhere on his body and he would suffer physical and mental pain, growing worse until he complies. This seared welt would fade eventually, leaving a permanent scar upon his body. He has several such scars now. Nash has reluctantly come to some peace with his new life. He has done three missions for The Light so far, but ultimately his patron has set him upon the path to defeat Tiamat, the Queen of Evil Dragons. He has been commanded to travel north to Waterdeep to fulfill this ultimate goal.
He is still the roguish scoundral he ever was, but having been forced time and again to do good in service to his Celestial Patron, he is starting to feel good about it (but he would never let anyone know). His alignment has shifted from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Good. Beyond his rough exterior is the heart of a good man, whose methods may sometimes be unorthodox, but now he will be be one of the first to leap into battle to save the day, always with his constant wry, sarcastic grin, and faux lack of interest.
Well worn travelling clothes: Dark pants & Light colored shirt. He wears a soft leather coat with boiled leather pauldrons. Light colored hooded cloak and worn black leather, buckled boots. He wears leather bracers, the left forearm with additional padding for archery, and sometimes wears leather gloves. His belt pouches hang from his side and his ornate Pact Dagger is in a sheith on his belt. Handsome man with tanned skin, light brown hair pulled back into a loose pony tail and brown eyes. Rough stubble on face. Muscular and athletic build.
He tries to maintain a roguish look and attitude when around other people with a dark wit and devil may care attitude. When he thinks no one is looking or if he is alone, he will allow himself to think upon his situation and his lost love, showing a deeper, sorrowful and introspective face. His body has some tattoos but also the celestial scars left by his benefactor. When he taps into the celestial magic bestowed upon him, his eyes glow with an inferno of alien celestial fire.
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