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Torin - Cleric of Helm

Writer: DougDoug

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

LN hm C14

Torin is a devout worshiper of Helm - God of Guardians, Lord of Protection and vigilance.  He is a Watcher (Specialty Priest) of Helm's Shieldhall in Elturel.  He is a Warder of the Order of the Black Shield.  Torin believes in the absolute rule of law and strict obedience to the structure of civilized society.  He is ever vigilant and perceptive of the area around himself, his eyes always surveying his surroundings for possible danger.  Torin strives to be the embodiment of the deity he worships so reverently.  He abhors chaos and anarchy, living a regimented life of strict religious routine and doctrine.

Torin finds it difficult to befriend people - perhaps it is his rigid countenance or genuine lack of trust of strangers.  He is so dedicated to his cause that he cares not what people think of him personally or whether he has many friends.  Those who first meet him may find him cold, but seeing past his stony exterior reveals a man as human as the next.  He works hard to maintain this defensive barrier, not allowing his emotions to control him but instead use his wisdom to guide him.  Few people see past this facade, the few people he calls his friends are among them.  With friends he can relax and laugh and drink, but the general populace must always see him as the staunch defender of the oppressed, revered priest of Helm.  He has the build and martial skills of a warrior yet he is scholarly and wise.  When not abroad in the Realms, he is at the temple in Elturel pouring over ancient tomes and manuals.

Torin is Lawful Neutral in alignment and as such he makes the ultimate soldier - he will follow orders from his priesthood to the letter and does not question them, even if he feels that they may be leaning towards evil.  In his mind, the ends justify the means and if the hierarchical structure of his religion commands him, he will follow.  Torin will never perform an evil act out of hand.  Only after careful consideration of how the situation relates to his religion or his quest will he step over that line.  Torin, and the priestly order to which he belongs, believe they are the last salvation of mankind.  They are the staunch defenders against the coming darkness which will sweep the world into oblivion.  They will let no man interfere with this divine purpose.  Torin wants to do good deeds.  He prefers to ally himself with good aligned heroes, but will upon occasion have dealings with evil characters if it will suit his purpose in serving his god.  In the end, good and evil is a fine line, but so long as law and order is upheld, he serves his god well.

Torin has attained a high enough level that he is really becoming noticed within the church and his Order and has risen within the ranks.  He is now a Rune Warder and is privy to the second tier council.  He may now begin construction of his own church in an area which requires the light of Helm's All Seeing Eye.  He is now of a rank where he can use the knowledge of the Order to pursue his own quests and leads in the race to be prepared for the "Coming".  Torin seeks the Darkness and wherever he finds it he destroys it.  He eliminates chaos to bring order so that man may be ready for the coming evil.  His personal inquiry currently is the investigation of the Knights of Argus and how they may relate to the tale of the Scrolls.  After much debate in council it has been decided that he will be more forthcoming with the three paladins of Argus.

Torin's Crest

Torin grew up as a young noble of House Hawkwing within the city state of Elturel.  He pursued martial training in the hopes of becoming a Knight of the Hell Riders, like his father.  After his mother, father and sister were murdered while traveling by goblinoids ranging out of the Fields of the Dead, Torin turned to the guidance of the priests of Helm's Shieldhall.  He became a devout follower and soon passed the tests of admittance into the priesthood.  He excelled at studies and arms and was invited to join the sacred Order of the Black Shield as a specialty priest (Watcher).  Torin's brother Kirim still runs the family estate and is a Knight Captain in the Hell Riders.

Torin chooses usually to live within the church compound in Elturel, but sometimes he elects to stay at his family castle in the countryside, several miles outside the city proper.  His brother and he do not always get along and visits to the castle can be strained.  Kirim holds some resentment for how Torin reacted to the death of their family - running away from the responsibilities of running the family estate  to join the priesthood.  He keeps the bulk of his monetary wealth at Hawkwing Keep.  The keep is relatively small and maintains a garrison of Hell Riders for Kirim to command and maintains the farms in the surrounding countryside.

Torin's adventuring garb consists of light underclothes, his enchanted full plate armor with large shoulder grieves and a fine cloth tabard (white with blue trim, adorned with the symbol of Helm).  He wears an ornate open-faced helm with a long royal blue horse hair plume.  The Shield of Helm is black obsidian with faint engravings upon it's surface that glow a golden holy light when the power of the shield is used. When not in combat Torin will shrink the shield down to buckler size and wear it on his arm like a Bracer.

When not in his armor, he favors the long white with blue trim robes of priesthood, or less formally, expensive loose fitting clothing of neutral colors - comfortable cloth pants, shirts and tunics and soft boots. He often wears a rich white with blue trim cloak and while adventuring in colder climates will wear a heavy woolen cloak. 


Religion: Helm - The Guardian     Family: House Hawkwing

Homeland: Elturel - Western Heartlands  (Hawkwing Keep) 

Current Home: Torin's Fortress (The Sunset Vale)

Travels: Heartlands of Faerun

Group Affiliations: The Knights of Argus; The Daggerford Dozen


Height: 6'0"     Weight: 200lbs     Hair: Short Black     Eyes: Brown  Race: Human     Age: 34*    Complexion: Light, body covered in runes  Build: Muscular, toned

MARSENAY - Torin's Henchwoman (LN hf C7)

Marsinay is a loyal cleric in service to Helm. She is bookish and very intelligent. She considers herself a researcher and spends all of her available time pouring over tomes, histories, geography and maps of all sorts. She specialized in ancient history and cartography. She has been granted permission to join Torin on his quest to battle against the coming darkness - to record all that happens and to operate as his personal researcher and assistant. (She is his Henchman).


Religion: Helm - The Guardian    


Homeland: Elturel - Western Heartlands   

Current Home: Helm's Shieldhall in Elturel

Travels: Heartlands of Faerun

Group Affiliations: 


Height: 5'7"     Weight: 130lbs     Hair: Long Black     Eyes: Gray   Race: Human     Age: 24     Complexion: Light    

Build: Slender, athletic




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