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Monday Knight Replay

Writer: DougDoug

Two of our mates were unable to play last night, so here is a quick recap for you.

The ambush proceeded with the small green skinned humanoids in the trees showering javelins down upon the group and several fierce looking, blue skinned Jungle Trolls rushing forth with primitive spears and vicious looking tusks. Crowe misty stepped away from his troll attackers, firing off a rooting arrow to hinder his opponent, then moving farther away. Micah cast a poisonous azure cloud which enveloped several of the smaller creatures in the trees and a few of the barbaric Jungle Trolls. This proved hugely effective as many creatures fell from the trees.

Gar and Grayel engaged with the trolls nearest them and Micah suffered grievous injuries from being too close to the melee and he called upon his cosmic power and vanished in a vortex of shadow and stars (To appear in the Astral plane.) before he could become overwhelmed. Flan held back out of sight and used his bardic abilities to bolster the group and abuse the enemy. Some unseen creature was casting suggestion spells to force gar and Grayel to leave the combat and lightning strikes were crashing down among them.

Grayel cast a powerful Spirit Guardians spell and the angelic spirits ripped through the trolls. Crowe continued to move away and fire his arrows as his troll chased him through the trees. Grayel and Gar kept battling the trolls (Who were managing to get severe hits against them). Grayel had to heal herself from her wounds even as she battled to save the team. Micah was likewise healing himself on the astral plane, readying himself to return to the battle.

Finally some of the trolls were falling and as you can guess, began regenerating back to life in time to attack the two melee team members, who were fighting for their lives. The little tree buggers kept raining down their javelins, but soon would run out of ammunition and change their tactics. Lightning continued to strike with powerful force among the melee group, damaging trolls as well as Reavers. Flan noticed a hidden spellcaster hiding nearby and moved to engage it.

Micah returned from the Astral with his angel wings blazing from his back and took to the air to attack the few remaining tree chumps, just as they began rushing through the trees to chase after Crowe with their short swords. Crowe continued leading his attacker in a rough circle around the melee firing arrow after arrow and finally downing his troll. Flan attacked the snake eyed and scaled faced female shrouded figure, with ranged flashing force blades. A different hidden caster cast an offensive blindness curse on Flan, which failed, and the lashing lightning did stop at that point, thankfully.

Crowe turned his attention to the rushing Tree Toppers and mowed them down with force arrows. Gar and Gray battled on, back to back - Gar slashing down nearby trolls who tried to hit Gray, and Grays mighty strikes sent enchanted shields to protect Gar. Micah rushed forward and started attacking some of the downed trolls with his green flame blade and finished them off two at a time. Flan attacked the strange woman again and she moved forward and spat venomous spittle at him. Flan moved up the tree and around the other side to avoid this.

Crowe finished off the last of the diminutive javelin jockey's and turned his attention to helping to down regenerating trolls. Gar and Gray continued to do likewise with Micah torching them as soon as they fell. This was definitely a tidal change in the battle, and just in time. Flan swung out and attacked the fleeing woman with his force blades and took her down. Within moments the last of the trolls lay burning at the feet of the Mighty Reavers (TM).

Crowe detected a fleeing creature (The other caster) and soon he and Flan were chasing after it through the Jungle. It turned out to be the Jungle Troll Witch-doctor who cast entangle (Countered by Flan) while Crowe continued to rapidly pierce him with glowing blue arrows even as the troll took cover. It managed to successfully cast a blindness spell on Flan, but it was too late to make a difference. Seconds later the troll was down, and when it came up again, Crowe fire-balled it's ass.

Everyone gathered back at the battle place and Flan's blindness went away after a minute. The team had made a magic bonfire and were burning the troll and Tree Trimmers' bodies. They took shelter within Micah magic pocket dimension and took a short rest. Soon all were healed and back on their march towards their destination.

They traveled for about 3 more hours and noticed that they had been travelling on a slight incline, and could periodically see through the trees and thinning canopy the looming mountain ahead. They took stock of their surroundings and proceeded on until they encountered those strange, tiny, black humanoids with the double jointed necks, who seemed to want the group to follow them. Which they did.

This led to a well worn track leading directly up into the foothills of the mountain. The made their strange sound and promptly wandered back into the jungle foliage. Crowe sent forth his scout ahead and it came back to say that it saw that the track led to a cave entrance. The team went forward and Micah noticed an overgrown path leading off in a different direction, and used his uncanny divining powers to follow the path with his mind and see that after several minutes it, too led to an overgrown cave entrance. He sent his arcane eye into the tunnel to investigate.

That's where we left off.



Apr 30, 2019

@sbuckley72 Grrrrr.... ;)


Apr 30, 2019

Ha ha ha! Elf! What a great name for that crow! Because you're an elf named Crow!! 😂🤣😂



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