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A Look Back - The Curse of the Antelope - Part 3

Writer: DougDoug

Well, I guess I will re-post this as it seems to have vanished from the site.


The characters will no doubt create their own encounters and situations in Selgaunt, but here are a few important encounters they may have. All of these should be great role-playing opportunities.


The Rusty Spigot is an encounter that can take place at Gar's old best friend's Fathers Tavern. It is in the rougher part of town near the docks. Gar's friends name is Thoman Willson. They grew up together in Selgaunt. This encounter can be a good introduction to the other side of Selgaunt as well as a great way to help flesh out Gar a bit more. More rumors can be gained here. The climax of this encounter can be a good old fashioned bar room brawl!


At some point Gar and crew may take a trip to the temple of Sune Firehair as it is such a focal religion within the Burr household. Gar is a devout follower of Sune and his Sister and his girlfriend are both priests of the church.

Near the center of the city amid the affluent estates and lush treed gardens of the snobbish upper middle class, the golden spires of Firehair's house can be seen reaching to the heavens. The entire compound is surrounded by an intricate wrought iron fence laced with beautiful flowered vines.

Entering the compound brings you through the lush front gardens of the temple - crushed gravel paths leading through one fountain bubbling Oasis of beauty into another. Acolytes and lay brethren met along the paths greet the visitors warmly and direct those in need towards the church proper.

Entering the church presents the Grand Atrium, a large bright room well lit from vaulted windows above. A refreshing wave of comfort hits you as you enter this area from the soothing incense burning about the room. Where the front lawns' gardens rejoiced in the beauty of nature, the Atrium rejoices in the beauty of art. All forms of art: Paintings, sculptures, carvings, and tapestries to name a few. All are beautiful and a large portion of them explore the beauty of the human form in all of it's bare perfection.

Firehair's House, temple of Sune; High and Most Beautiful Priestess Aumraeya Ulmdrin (CG hf P18); 27 priestesses, 62 followers.


Selgaunt is a city of striking house designs. It abounds with sprawling, ornate mansions, surrounded by topiary, statuary, and little ornamental pools, fountains, follies, and cascades. This grand panoply of artistic snobbery reaches a pinnacle in the many-spired Palace of the Hulorn, which rises above the private, wildwooded Hunting Garden. The garden is a high-walled preserve forbidden to all but the Hulorn's guests and family.

The streets are filled with people going about their business - the rich bedecked in their fashion finery walking along the streets with their entourages, being carried in litters or travelling in ornate carriages while the common people fill the majority of the streets haggling, bartering and doing business, moving out of the way to let wagons and carriages pass. Selgaunt is one of the largest cities many of you have ever seen and the grandness of its multi-storied, magnificently crafted buildings are impressive to look upon.

The city is certain to contain many magnificent sights - from beautiful temple compounds to palaces and parks to majestic theaters to Grand Markets filled with wonderful objects and unique Selgauntan deliciacies. The city is ready to be explored.


Nana's party has always been a grand affair, bringing all of the family together to celebrate her life. Various relatives from the farms, orchards and manors near and far come together to toast their Matriarch. The Burr household is full and the Pair o' Dice gets taken over by family guests.

Also invited are those non-familial special guests - a few politicians, rich noble merchants, and special friends of Nana's. The Burr name is an old one in Selgaunt and anyone who is anyone wants to be on the short list for this party.

The party is a chance for everyone to dress up in the latest fashions and reconnect with one another. A chance to rub shoulders with important people, enjoy themselves and do business, in whatever order they desire. A grand feast followed by a magnificent ball allows everyone to really enjoy themselves.

Alot of what will transpire is somewhat pretentious, as the Burr family knows all too well - but traditions must be maintained, as well as alliances. The real moments of family closeness will come after the Ball and everyone else has left. Nana will stay up late telling stories and sharing some of her life experience with her children, grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. There is a general feeling of closeness and family honor and pageantry about the night that everyone adores. How old is Nana? No one seems to know, but she hasn't seemed to age much year by year and she looks younger than she must be.

Tonight's special guests are the Hulorn himself (Who does not show up); Durlon an elven mage (Who is currently tutoring Gar's sister Alora); Deior Rasthavin - a Sage of humankind's history, legends, and folklore of Inner Sea region; Thamalon Uskevren and his wife Shamur (Both of Merchant Nobility); Ultramm - A powerful merchant and founding partner of the Six Coffers Market Priakos; and The Crimson Reavers of course.

Role-play out some of the evenings events and get to know Nana and some of Gar's other relatives. This could be a hook to the curse of the Antelope as Nana witnessed it 60 years ago, and will recount her tale if it is brought up.

THE GRAND MARKET (Le Grand Marché)

There are several markets throughout the city, but the largest of them is called the Grand Market and it has everything one could hope to find. The market is an explosion of colors, sights, sounds, smells and flavors as well as a cacophony of voices shouting in different languages and accents of common.

Not only does the Grand Market have every kind of produce you could want from the local variety but also strange exotic fruits and vegetables from far away distant lands like Thesk, Mulhorond and Unther. Fashions from across the realms in both clothing and textiles abound and the current local fashions of the Sembian elite are dominantly displayed.

True master craftsmen have their stalls set up in the grand market and their services can be had for a small fortune and their wares are displayed in elegance ready to be purchased by the discerning Sembian Noble.


The Hulorn's party is a city wide event celebrating his engagement to his latest love interest. Party favors and free drinks are provided at stations throughout the city as no one great or small shall go thirsty in Selgaunt this night. It is an expression of decadence intended to win the hearts of the common folks. The common folks reactions are more mercenary in nature...They like the free party, they don't especially love him, but they think he should keep trying. :)

The streets are filled with party goers, Taverns have drink sales and Happy hours galore, and everyone is generally congenial with one another. The real party for the elite will take place at the Hulorn's Palace for the wealthy and noble merchants of the city. It will culminate with a midnight ride through the city streets where he will show off his new Fiance and Fireworks will light up the port city, both mundane and magical. The festivities in some areas will not stop until morning.

This could be another hook for the players to become involved in the Curse of the Antelope, they can be witness to the ghost ship away off in the Bay for a few moments until it vanishes, or a commotion can draw them to a remote beach where a life force drained body has been discovered. Another victim of the curse.

NOTE: Exploring Selgaunt let to Flannigan performing to much acclaim at various taverns, seeing the ghost ship for themselves, meeting Inspector Cobblepot - Who was somewhat less than enthusiastic to investigate the mystery behind the dead bodies washing ashore. He was quite happy to let them investigate the bodies and once they actually spoke to the corpses through magic, he was fine to let the adventurers keep investigating.

This led them to meet various people (There may have even been a 14 year old boy with distinguishing features) including the crazy fisherman Rellik who eventually would lend them his row boat to go out and investigate the ghost ship on it's next appearance. And that is just what they did.

As they rowed out towards the ghost ship, a thick fog moved into the area and their small craft was enveloped in suffocating mist. They drifted off into unconsciousness.

Check out part 4 to read about their strange awakenings.




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