While searching for where Izek may have been keeping Ireena, south of Vallaki, the PCs journeyed south and west and came the Luna River where it becomes a marsh. Exploring further, it became aparent that this marsh had mostly swallowed up the remains of the town of Berez. Half submerged farm houses and buildings dot the swampy landscape.

They soon met Muriel, a watcher and friend of the Martikov's. She told them that the Night Mother no longer resides there, she had moved on to the south, past Luna Lake. She warned of the Night Mother's minions which still roamed these lands, including a type of animated
Muriel indicated that the last Lord of the Marsh, Ulric, had long since been destroyed by the devil, but his manor house still stood near the center of town. So, off the heroes went to explore this new location.
The manor house of the last Master of the Marsh, sits upon a high part of the marsh and is a strange and menacing black building with no windows anywhere around its entirety.

Exploring inside the manor brought them head to head with twin gargoyles, a deadly cellar trap puzzle, a flesh golem, a psychotic dolly, a multitude of ghosts, an undead Beholder, ghouls, haunted cutlery, giant chimney rats, phase spiders, and Juniper the Mere Hag (Ancient mistress of Lazlo Ulric).
Having defeated Juniper and saving Finn from a sad fate at her hands, they decided that they must get some rest and replenish their powers. They took a short rest at the stone circle with Muriel before making their trek out of the swamp in search of a cabin to sleep in.
On the way out, they were intercepted by a Black Rider and several Hell Hounds, and a frantic battle for their lives began.
They were handily defeated by the awesome power of the Black Rider and taken, unconscious, to the dungeons of Castle Ravenloft. Thanks to the appearance of Hecate and Snelb, they were able to fight their way through the jailor to escape. They took a magical portal back to Vallaki.
Muriel -

Lazlo Ulric -
Juniper (Advisor to Ulric) -

Terrifying Murder Doll -
