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Finn's Journal #51 –

Writer: Doug LittleDoug Little

0. Janlynn did a Tarokka Reading to see what we need to do to light the beacon.


a. First Card - Tells of History - The Illusionist; 7 of stars - She received no answer

b. second card - Tells of powerful force of good/protection/hope - The Shepherd; 4 of glyphs. She received no answer.

c. Third card - Tells of power/ strength - The Wizard; 5 of stars. She received no answer.

d. Fourth card - Tells of who can aid - The Horseman; High Card of Death. She received no answer.

e. Fifth card - The Raven; High card of Mysteries. Her eyes roll back in her head and she speaks in different voices...

Janlynn -

A flutter of dark wings against the sky

Janlynn -

A vastness of stars, then blackness once more.

Janlynn -

A bright flash of light.

Young Man -

A huge picture, glowing with magical energy begins to wane as a halberd slowly slashes the picture nearly in two parts. Time speeds up and the motion reverses, the painting once again begins to glow as it quickly heals the damage, the blade receded out of my vision.

Janlynn -

A bright flash of light.

Woman -

Silvery light coming from the beacon in the now restored picture of Argynvostholt

Male -

A blurry dragon wyrmling comes into view , a statue yet begins to whisper in my mind:

When the dragon dreams it's dream - within it's rightful tomb

The light of Arganvost will beam - and rid this land of gloom

There is a light, glinting off small round lenses, a man with an elaborate mustache, Rictavio!!!

The image fades.

Deep male voice -

Dark stains cover the floor, large oak tables, scarred and beaten, lay scattered like discarded toys about the room. Their wood crushed and splintered, their replacements made of human bones. The walls and the twenty foot high vaulted ceiling are sickly yellowed.... they too are adorned with aged bones and skulls arranged in a morbidly decorative fashion, giving the room a cathedral like quality. Four enormous mounds of bones occupy the corner of this ossuary; garlands of skulls extend from these mounds to a chandelier of bones above a long bone table in the center of the room. Ten bone chairs, festooned with decorative skulls sit at the table's edge. resting atop the table is a bowl shaped center piece, it too shaped from bone. Two doors at either end of the room are sheathed in bone, leaving a set of steel banded double doors unadorned. Above the steel banded doors is mounted a large dragon skull for all to see.

Janlynn -

A bright flash of light.

Janlynn was knocked unconscious for some time.

1. A large swarm of bats was seen heading in their direction so the group decided that they would investigate the 2nd floor and leave off dealing with the strange throne room and the powerful undead knights until later. They carried Janlynn with them.

2. The second floor had balconies looking down upon a large chamber below. The walls were dressed with many ancient shield and polished stone busts of various important looking knights.

3. Investigated rooms closest to the collapsed side of the building and found nothing of interest except dangerous, crumbling floors and lots of webs. While investigating - attacked by many giant poisonous spiders.

4. Finn used shatter spell to do serious damage to the group of them. They were tenacious but the group defeated them without sustaining serious injury.

5. Exploring further, Nim looked behind a long tapestry to find a niche with a cloth draped object atop a pedestal. Lifting the cloth, Nim saw his own severed head looking back at him. When others lifted the cloth off completely, it was revealed to be another bust of one of the knights of Arganvosthold.

6. Finn trying to confiscate fine cloth tapestry for his collection.

7. Exploring further, came to a upper balcony area overlooking the chapel. Large stained glass windows beyond altar. Large magnifying glass hanging from above so that light shines at particular section of upper wall where windows are. Some glass broken in large windows and thick fog rolls in from there. Entire floor covered in thick fog, mostly concealing pews and the forms of 4 kneeling undead knights, who kneel before the altar.

8. Unsure how we would approach this. Set up defensible position, send someone to try and communicate with them and if they are hostile, run back and we would ambush them?



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