1. The 2nd turned group soon returned, coming through the walls at us and they were quickly defeated.
2. Explored the east north-south corridor. Explored some rooms leading into collapsed side of the building - crumbling floors/walls. Dangerous to search.
3. Found room with treasury room off of it (Which was lead lined). All treasure is gone.
4. Found a note from Arganvost (Last statement before he went off to his final battle).
5. Found old crumbling book titled "The Oath Celestial". Finn will work on transcribing.
6. Found a slashed painting of the mansion with the top of the chapel tower glowing. Finn took out of frame and rolled up to keep and restore. Finn has also been collecting various collored cloth tapestries, so that he can make a grim order banner to fly from the roof.
7. Found the dragon bedroom? impression on floor looks like from a large creature laying there over a long time.
8. Came across what looked like an audience hall, but the way in was mostly filled with rubble. Send the owl in to investigate. Rusted weapons and shields lay upon the floor. There is a throne facing three large windows. Armored skeletal remains lay slumped in the throne with one of it's hands still laying upon the pommel of his sword.
9. War Room. Heavy table with 6 high back chairs. Skeletons in armor sit at table. Nim notice3d that there was a discoloration on the wall in the shape of a shield - as if a shield was hung there for a long time and is no longer there. The skeletons attack.
10. These ancient warriors attacked with amazing strength and agility with those in melee quickly taking down Akkiir before he could even get his defenses up. Multiple attacks each. Plus ranged bow attacks from those unable to attack in melee. Uphir stands in the door to fight.
11. I forget who all went down in this fight, but it was a fight we were unprepared for as all we could do is keep reviving those who fell and quickly realized we needed to retreat. Managed to kill one of the creatures, but it quickly regenerated back into the fight.
12. Full on retreat with smaller folks being carried by the larger. Finn cast spell to make Akkiir goi faster,. Akkiir hung back and protected the retreat of the rest. We fled to the roof again, and the enemies did not follow.
13. We healed up and took a short rest. We now must decide how we want to continue exploring the ruins. Check out the graveyard and mosoleum, try to get into the chapel high tower, enter the front door, or go back in the way we already had, from the roof.
14. We tried to go to the chapel high tower from the main roof, but were assailed by ghostly archers from the towers watching over that area. We retreated behind protective parapets and remained on the main roof area.
