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Finn's Journal #49 –

Writer: Doug LittleDoug Little

1. The group agreed that they should try an get out of this dangerous area, and that all the arguing was just attracting more attention. More and more maggots were piling up all around the dome.

2. Uphir suggested that if in the heat of the moment, if even one person calls retreat or not to attack, then we should side with them. We have not heard Akkiir's rebuttal, but decided we needed action.

3. Nim noticed someone looking through a crack in one of the huts at us.

4. Finn suggests we use Muriel and her crows to scout ahead so we can make our escape plans.

5. The ravens and the owl went forth (Uphir used her beast sense to see through the eyes of a raven) and when they returned they said the way was clear except for three Wode's guarding the trail. and it was a fairly straight quarter mile to get to Arganvosthold.

6. We cleared away most of the maggots from around the dome with weapons and fire. We decided we would make a run for it - well....make a sneak for it with Tetsuo's help.

7. Akkiir decided to send his owl to investigate who was spying on us. Just before he pocketed his owl he saw three women who we believe to be one of the other types of Hags. They were likely the ones who cast the insect swarm upon us.

8. We stealthed away and made for the edge of the hamlet. As we were stealthing away, two Shadow Mastiffs walked out on the road to block our way. We didn't even slow down, killing both quickly as we went by. No real alarm was raised so we continued to stealth.

9. Came to the area of the Woads and bypassed them thru stealth.

10. Finally we came to Arganvosthold. Large structure with towers and battlements. One large tower climbing high above the structure. The east side of the building is completely collapsed, including it's towers. There is a ruined barn structure just east of the main building. On the North-west corner of the building is a graveyard with a large mausoleum.

11. upon the path, near the main entry stand a large stone statue of a dragon, looking upon the house. Nim climbed upon it and investigated. Found that the jaw was hinged and that inside the mouth was a spout. Checking the stairs leading up to the entry, Nim found several trap activators likely that would set off the dragon trap.

12. Finn suggested we find a way up to the roof of the building and use Akkiir's last Leomund's hut to sleep for the night to recover. It worked like a charm. We were not bothered by anything at all up there.

13. In the morning it was time to investigate the roof area. A large part of the center of the roof running its length from east to west was a collapsed wooded peaked roof. We could use this for access to the interior.

14. Investigating the collapsed east side of the structure, Nimble Nim went out on a wooden spar and could see into the ruined area and it was covered in giant spider webs. nSomething strange happened while he was out there. The doll appeared and handed him a paper. Nim showed Uphir and they went to discuss it in private, not letting anyone in on what was going on or where the paper came from.

15. Finn passive-agressively kept trying to find out why they were keeping secrets - Janlynn wanted to know as well.

16. Finally Uphir gave in to the pressure and she and Nim told us what was on the paper - A child's drawing of a monster, with Janlynn's child scrawled name at the bottom. Janlynn confirmed that it looked exactly like one she had drawin in her youth.

17. Uphir began bringing forth strange behaviors that Janlynn had been displaying, especially since coming back from the dead. Janlynn had been writing in a secretrive journal and she had been noticed talking to a person who was not there. No one else but Uphir is witness to this.

18. Janlynn accused them of lying and keeping secrets, but realistically it was only for like 8 minutes or so. Much tension. Janlynn had no answers for anyone. Someone is not telling the truth. After much debate, no one was getting anywhere. We decided to find a way in and watch Janlynn (And Uphir) closely.

19. Taking one of the small minaret towers the group descended into a long east west corridor with several doors.

20. While most of the group was in the stairs and Nim and Tetsuo were ahead scouting, half a dozen ghostly guardians appeared in twos down the corrider. They called us trespassers and began to advance. We declared ourselves for Arganvolsthold and the grim order but they were unmoved. When they reached Nim and Tet, they did not attack, but continued calling them out.

21. Janlynn stepped forward and turned 5 of the 6 of them. and the last was defeated quickly. We moved into some sort of prayer room with a door across the room.

22. Opening that door led to another long corrider much like the other and stepping out activated 6 more ghosts. Once again Janlynn turned 5 of them and the last was destroyed.

23. Just then the other 5 returned and they were fought and killed. Right now the team is waiting and setting up for the return of the last 5.




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