Our strategy for defeating the creatures was much the same as before - use fire to finish them off. As soon as they were falling before our attacks, they were being set afire like tinder, their dry and shriveled bodies drinking in the flames. Green flame arced from Akkiir's enchanted blade and Tetsuo made it his mission to light as many fallen as he could with his usual uncanny speed and grace.
Uphir...She fought with such rage against these abominations that they were falling with every rapid blow of her great axe, rent limb from limb. Nim's blade and shield weaved in and out of the combat, stabbing into the lost ones with precision and using his shield to protect his comrades. Janlynn continued to harry the enemies with blasts of divine energy, holding her place in line with her fellows bravely, and I kept up my fey attacks against them.
Soon the melee was over and the wolves, and larger lost ones were defeated, however, the ranged lost ones moved to flank our group and continue to pepper us with their barbed darts. Our warriors moved to melee with them with a crushing series of attacks. It became apparent to me that the lost children had decided that I was the softest target and charged after me. I saw no path to my comrades that would not bring me into the clutches of the enemy, so I cast a spell of speed and charged off to the east, away from the battle.
Unfortunately that did not discourage them, as they continued to chase after me, puncturing me over and over again with their darts. Not even my enchantment could propel my legs once I had lost consciousness and tumbled head first into the parched and dry grass of the hill, overcome from multiple wounds. My fellows were not far behind me and quickly finished off the rest of the lost ones. Beautiful Janlynn soon had me come to and patched up like new. I could get used to waking up to those ethereal blue eyes when I am wounded in battle. Perhaps I will faint the next time I stub my toe or get a splinter?

Our enemies smoldering behind us, we moved toward the giant banyan tree and it's grove. We could see a great axe had cut deeply into the trunk of the tree and it became apparent why it was left there as there was a skeletal body lying beneath it on the ground. He certainly had no more use for it, perhaps we would. Janlynn's detection spell made it definitive that the titanite stone we were looking for was buried somewhere within or under the evil tree. Uphir pulled the axe free of the tree and I searched the body for clues, without luck.
We approached the banyan with caution, expecting some reciprocating action against us. Once we had gathered about the tree, Nim reached in between the cracks trying to get to the stone hidden within. All he received for the effort was rust colored, noxious sap upon his hand. We would need to kill the tree and then find the titanite stone buried beneath. We all used up our supply of lamp oil to heavily coat the trunk of the tree and lit it in several places. We were soon rewarded with a spreading fire which was taking hold and climbing higher up into the branches.
We backed off from under the immense canopy of branches and the surrounding copse of trees. We watched it burn for some time, willing the fire to burn itself deeper and deeper within the tree, hoping that the fire would continue to spread. Soon the canopy above began dropping cinders upon our heads, fleeing the smoke on the winds. There would be no stopping the fire now, it was certain, so we turned our attention to rescuing the children.
Just as we had decided on that course of action we turned to see several druids approaching from the north-east. Remembering that they like to use spells which affect an area, we spread ourselves out from each other as Akkir and Uphir charged directly into the midst of them. Akkiir survived several thundering blasts from the earth as well as almost being entangled in the grass beneath him, as it came to life. Spells flew from both sides as the battle quickly progressed, but having closed the distance our warriors were cutting through them like a Sunday sugar cake. A couple of them moved to attack Janlynn but were soon cut down as well. The battle was over almost as soon as it began.
Something was distracting Uphir as we moved across the hill towards the central stone ring, as she lagged behind the rest of us. It was quickly determined that the black trees did in fact contain bodies, and muffled voices could at times be heard coming from within. I regret not having the strength to pry apart the trunks and save the people inside. We had to call for Uphir and her massive strength to succeed at this daunting task. It took about an hour of chopping, digging, and prying to free all six bodies. It saddens we to write that only four of the six were alive.
These were not soulless children as expected. They were older, appeared to have souls, and spoke quietly and reluctantly in a strange language. We offered them food and drink from our packs and gave them blankets to cover themselves, as they were naked. They seemed to be sorely afflicted by the sap from their prisons and Nim prepared to heal them when Akkiir remembered the strange healing stone we had gotten from the hag and used that instead. This seemed to heal them all! It didn't occur to me at the time, but have they tried the stone on Uphir's poisoned wound? I shall have to find out.
Nim, through the power of Snelb, could communicate with them in a ponderous fashion, and we learned that they were members of the Druid's own tribe. While Nim was discussing matters with them, Uphir was driven to go investigate one of the black stone cairns by a strange imploring voice in her head. She went forth and reached in to touch a spear that the voice had told her would be there. Upon touching the spear it turned to dust and an unknown power moved from the spear into her Axe.