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Finn's Journal #32 - The Carnival Creature

Writer: Doug LittleDoug Little

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

We rested in our chamber at the Inn, talking of the many strange events we had experienced and the leads we had yet to explore. We awaited the hour just before midnight and set out for the stockyards to try and get there and in position before the Wachter brothers arrived. Whatever mischief they planned with the carnival wagon would no doubt cause problems for the village, it's people and ultimately us. We needed to control the situation to be sure.

We approached the stockyard and before we could get fully into our planned hiding places, we saw that Nicolai and Karl were already there at the strange wagon and were heaving upon it, rocking the wagon back and forth. Angry, gutteral sounds could be heard coming from within the wagon, and at the sound of a sundering crash, the boys fled in terror from the wagon. They had, for their own unfathomable reason, provoked whatever was inside. It's angry thrashing and growling could be heard throughout the yard and we knew for a certainty that the creature within was moments away from breaking free of it's prison.

Uphir and Tetsuo moved forward to flank the wagon on both sides so that they could spring into action if needed. What they saw emerging from the battered and broken rear doors of the wagon was at once both impressive and terrifying. A giant black cat, rippling with taut muscles, huge clawed paws, and large, razor sharp fangs, bounded from the wagon to land upon the ground, glaring at both Uphir and Tetsuo in turn. It did not attack but rather seemed intent upon escape, bolting off southward into the night.

Without much discussion, Tetsuo and Uphir took off into the darkness after it, leaving the rest of us to investigate the scene. The great cat bounded through the village, first south-west, then westward, bounding upon roofs and sprinting through yards, trying to find escape. This was causing some commotion as frightened exclamations could be heard coming from some homes, lights flickered on, and the guard were being called forth. Finally the chase ended at the fenced in graveyard behind the Church of Saint Andril. The panting cat was found pacing back and forth among the grave stones and Tetsuo cautioned Uphir not to approach closer. Uphir used this opportunity to begin chanting the ancient shamanic ritual that would allow her to speak to the beast.

They hoped that there would be enough time, for even as Uphir chanted, Izek Strazni and his men-at-arms could be seen approaching the graveyard. To buy some time, Tetsuo moved forth to intercept them, explaining that they would speak to the beast and handle the issue calmly. Strazni seemed intent upon violence as his preferred choice, glaring evilly at Tetsuo as our monk explained to him the foolishness of his actions. He ordered his men into the graveyard to surround and contain the creature.

Uphir managed to finish her ritual and her voice reached out to the great cat in gutteral vocalizations and growls. There seemed to be an understanding between the two, as Uphir stepped forth into the graveyard and slowly moved towards the animal. Strazni looked on intently but did not interfere, and his guardsmen backed off while still holding vigilant. Uphir and the cat were growling back in a sort of conversation while Uphir led the cat out of the graveyard and towards the west gate. There was much confusion and curiosity at the west gate as they opened it's great doors to allow the animal to bound out into the darkness of the night beyond.

At last, members of our group had opportunity to speak with Izek Strazni himself. Uphir and Tetsuo were not able to glean much of the man as he interrogated them. Feeling it beneath them to try and play with the facts, they told their tale of overhearing the Wachter boys talking about messing with Rictavio's wagon and deciding to make sure they did not cause any major problems. They told how the two brothers tortured the beast in the wagon, fleeing just before it broke free. Strazni and his men went to the stockyard to investigate and got the same story from the rest of the group. His last words to us were a warning to not leave town as there will likely be more questions to come, from the Baron. We did not know at the time that we would soon defy that order without a second thought.

Nim had gone after Rictavio, to wake him and let him know about the escape of his animal. Rictavio was quick to dress and begin searching the village for his animal (Not knowing that it had been led out the west gate). Nim took this opportunity to do a little snooping in his room. Little was gained other than reading Rictavio's journal, which provided no real insight into anything. We all retired to the Inn and our cozy room to once again try and determine how these new facts would impact us and our mission.

Some time later, Rictavio returned and Nim spoke to him in his room. Rictavio was hurriedly packing his things together to leave the town. He was determined to track down his missing beast and also, I think, was happy to avoid any lingering questions the constabulary would have for him. He advised Nim that the southern gates were usually not guarded, should we decide to leave town as well. If we had the opportunity, we could meet up with him at Khazin's Tower on Lake Baritok.

Shortly after Nim left Rictavio, Danika approached our rooms to tell us that the ritual at Yester Hill had begun. The decision for our next course of action had been made for us. We could get a good night's sleep and attack at dawn, or we could throw aside all else and rush to Yester Hill to save those poor children from a fate worse than death. Of course we chose the latter. We gathered our belongings and soon we were sneaking our way out into the dark forest surrounding Vallaki. I hope grim Izek Strazni will forgive our leaving the scene of the crime, as we heroes must go where we are most needed.

We decided we would go to the winery first and stage our attack from there. We avoided the ambush area on the road west of Vallaki by going deep through the forest to avoid it. We found no clues to the identity or encampment of our hated assassin. It was slower going through the dense trees of the Svalich forest as we had to watch our step and be wary of attack at every turn. The sound of wolves was never very far away in this land.

We met Davian at the winery and he let us know what information he had of Yester Hill. The ritual had begun and the druids were buried in the ground near the cursed Black Banyan tree, gathering their strange power from the earth and the tree's roots. The children, rather than being interred into the ground, had been interred in the twisted trunks of black and rotten trees. We were told that Strahd himself was present for the beginning of these rituals and soon Davion had us be silent and we listened to the distant sound of pounding hoofs passing the winery on the eastern trail. We were told that Strahd and his dark riders were passing at that very moment, leaving Yester Hill.

Terror, undeniable and true, gripped my mind and body as I imagined the evil smile of the Devil Strahd as he passed, glancing knowingly with glowing eyes at the winery as he rode past. He knew we were here and was amused! I could feel that in my soul with certainty and it paralyzed me. The image of the Dark Riders was thrust to the forefront of my mind as well, reminding me of the horrible visions I have had since entering this hateful place. When my mind was released from it's horror, I knew we must act quickly.

We assembled and moved quickly over the mile or so distance to get to the hill. It was an impressive edifice in it's own way - rising four hundred feet or so above the land. Hundreds of rocky cairns ringed the hill in two ascending levels to the top of the hill. Lightening sparked through the darkness of the night to strike the hill itself, it's light revealing stone structures at it's top and a wide wall of evil mist further to the west of the hill. It seemed that we had encountered one of the finite barriers of this land, it's noxious, clawing cold promising a horrible death to any trying to pass beyond.

Nim scouted ahead of the rest of us as we followed him up the dirt track winding up the hill. At the top there was a low stone wall encircling an area with several broken and twisted trunks of black trees standing in a rough circle. To the south could be seen the immense Black Banyan Tree, it's hanging roots dangling and wrapping around a thick stand of trees surrounding it. It looked as if a massive oak had originally stood there, only to be overtaken by the strangling hold of the Banyan. Very little of the oak's rotting remains were visible.

We felt certain that the central stone ring held the interred bodies of the soulless children and we made the decision that the biggest obstacle to overcome was the evil tree in the distance. If we could defeat it, then it would make our work saving the children and defeating the druids that much easier. As we moved to investigate, we could see gray shadows flitting amongst the trees ahead. Soon the anticipated attack from the trees began as a mass of Lost Ones (Wolves, Children and the larger children) erupted forth from the foliage. The wolves and the larger children came rushing forth while the smaller children stood back firing their perilous darts at us.

Our warriors met the charge as solidly as they could. Tetsuo and myself stood back a ways so that I could use my Fey Blasts to better effect and Tetsuo could light his torches and use his uncanny tactics of rapidly moving in and out of the melee. Akkiir began his enchanting dance, as green fire sprung forth upon his blade to strike his enemies. Janlynn fired columns of golden energy from the sky upon her foes and Nim fought deftly with his shield ready to help defend his friends when needed. Uphir swung her axe in crimson arcs through the mass of wolves and undead children. Our usual tight quarters, corridor tactics, would not be used this day as we were unfortunately without cover and in the open.

The darts from the ranged children were finding their marks with good effect. Tetsuo and I seemed to be working together as I concentrated on the larger children with my force blasts and he swept in to finish them with his pounding torches and fire, before darting back out of the melee. The large children managed to blast forth their noxious spores upon the group with some effect, but no immediate casualties. This battle would prove to be one of our most treacherous to date.



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