By Nim Burrfoot
Nim stuck back up from the basement and we started making plans for our attack, but it seemed that the enemy in the basement had no intention of being caught off guard and advanced up the stairs after us. Fortunately, we were mostly in place for this kind of attack, and Akiir was in place to block the stairs, after Nim rushed up and slipped past him.

This position blocked most of the forward charge, while the druid fired some kind of trapping spell that caused vile tentacles to come up out of the floor to trap us. The enemy clearly knew the layout of this place, and with their charge thwarted, they split their forces and some charged up the spiral ramp and attacked the group from behind. We redirected our efforts and tried to finish off the enemy on both fronts, but the druid managed to escape, and call for reinforcements! We pushed the battle right to the doorway we came in and managed to get Aikir back to bottleneck the swarm while we whittled away at their far superior numbers. The mindless drones were pushed at the doorway but we staunched the flow.
The druid still managed to keep his distance and he was not mindless. He split this new force of foes and some ran off to the west. It appeared that they were making another attempt to force us into a two front battle, and our best guess was that we were going to see them attack from the west door. A theory that was soon proven as the western doors in the vat room were blown in by a massive thunder wave and a huge group of wolves charged in! Our foresight gave us just enough lead to make a good retreat down to the basement where Nim hurriedly put some quick work into barricading the middle staircase by typing the door shut. Then Uphir, Nim and Janlynn teamed up to guard the western entrance that was sure to be the next attack point. All the while Akiir, Tetsuo and Finn worked to hold the line at the top of the ramp access to the basement.
We managed to whittle away at their numbers but soon we saw a new opponent enter the field. A new and larger type of lost child could be seen manipulating the terrain, and working with more autonomy than the mindless lost hounds! What foul mischief would they bring to this battle? It is far from over, but we have managed with some careful moves, to stay somewhat unscathed, with only Nim and Uphir needing the assistance of Janlynn to patch up some bloody wounds. Will we be able to gain some kind of advantage and perhaps take down the controlling Druid in this battle?